Cixous, Heléne

Die unendliche Zirkulation des Begehrens : Weiblichkeit in der Schrift. / Cixous, Heléne; Prekl. Meyer, Eva, Prekl. Kranz, Jutta. - Berlin : Merve Verlag, 1977. - 62 s. - (; Zv. 71)

ISBN 3-920986-90-3

Anotácia:  obsah:
"Wenn ich nicht schreibe, ist es, als wäre ich tot" (Ein Interview von Jean-Louis de Rambures)
Geschlecht oder Kopf?
"Du kannst reden oder schweigen, ohne jemals irgendetwas gesagt zu habe; aber wenn du schreibst..." (Ein Gespräch mit Francois Collin)
K¾úèové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 149 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 07.3.1
Cixous, Hélene

Das Buch von Promethea. / Cixous, Hélene; Edit. Vaigt, Diana, GRU Ivancsics, Karin, ILU Herzele, Margarethe, Prekl. Rick, Karin. - Wien : Wiener Frauenverlag, 1990. - 243 s.

ISBN 3-900399-39-5

K¾úèové slová : 07.3.1
Poznámka:  absenèné
Typ: Kniha - monografia (literatúra umelecká) Signatúra: 2519 vo¾ná

Cixous, Heléne

Weiblichkeit in der Schrift. / Cixous, Heléne; Prekl. Duffner, Eva. - Berlin : Merve Verlag, 1980. - 128 s. - (; Zv. 94)

ISBN 3-88396-014-4

Anotácia:  obsah:
Poesie und Politik - Poesie ist Politik?
Geschriebene Frauen, Frauen in der Schrift
Wer singt? Wer vernanlaßt zu singen?
Die Orange leben
K¾úèové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 639 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 08.5.1

The Heléne Cixous Reader. / Edit. Sellers, Susan; AUV Cixous, Héléne, ADO Derrida, Jacques. - London/New York : Routledge, 1994. - 232 s.

ISBN 0-415-04930-X

Anotácia:  úvod: Heléne Cixous
predslov: Jacques Derrida
doslov: Mireille Calle-Gruber
bibliografia, register
First Name of No One
The Newly Born Woman
La - The (Feminine)
To Live the Orange
(With) Or the Art of Innocence
Lemonade Everything Was So Infinite
The Book of Promethea
Extreme Fidelity
The Terrible But Unfinished Story of Norodom Sihanouk King of Cambodia
The Place of Crime, The Place of Forgiveness
Indiada or the India of Their Dreams
Manna to the Mandelstams to the Mandelas
First Days of the Year
Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing
K¾úèové slová : 08.5.1
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 699 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 07.2
Cixous, Heléne

La ville parjure ou le reveil des Erinyes. / Cixous, Heléne. - Paris : Théatre du Soleil, 1995. - 226 s.

ISBN 2-905012-10-2

K¾úèové slová : 07.2
Poznámka:  absenèné
Typ: Kniha - monografia (literatúra umelecká) Signatúra: 902 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 01.1
- Bartky, Sandra Lee - Jaggar, Alison - Frye, Marilyn - Young, Iris Marion - Renzetti, Claire M. - Curran, Daniel J. - Nicholson, Linda - Cixous, Heléne - Tuana, Nancy - Fox Keller, Evelyn - Bordo, Susan - Tanesini, Alessandra - Nagl-Docekal, Herta - Lloyd, Genevieve - Grosz, Elizabeth - Ferguson, Ann - Appiah, Antony - Kukla, Rebecca - Rich, Adrienne - Flax, Jane - Weedon, Chris - Lorde, Audre - Jaggar, Alison - Beauvoir, Simone de - Irigaray , Luce - Benhabib, Seyla - Shafer, Carolyn M. - English, Jane - Parks, Jennifer A. - Longino, Helen - Kaplan, Ann - Lugones, María C. - Spelman, Elizabeth V. - Butler, Judith

Theoretical Issues and Perspectives in Gender Theory and Feminist Thought. / Zost. Fisher, Linda; aut. Bartky, Sandra Lee, aut. Jaggar, Alison, aut. Frye, Marilyn, aut. Young, Iris Marion, aut. Renzetti, Claire M., aut. Curran, Daniel J. , aut. Nicholson, Linda, aut. Cixous, Heléne, aut. Tuana, Nancy, aut. Fox Keller, Evelyn, aut. Bordo, Susan, aut. Tanesini, Alessandra, aut. Nagl-Docekal, Herta, aut. Lloyd, Genevieve, aut. Grosz, Elizabeth, aut. Ferguson, Ann, aut. Appiah, Antony, aut. Kukla, Rebecca, aut. Rich, Adrienne, aut. Flax, Jane, aut. Weedon, Chris, aut. Lorde, Audre, aut. Jaggar, Alison, aut. Beauvoir, Simone de, aut. Irigaray , Luce, aut. Benhabib, Seyla, aut. Shafer, Carolyn M., aut. English, Jane, aut. Parks, Jennifer A., aut. Longino, Helen, aut. Kaplan, Ann, aut. Lugones, María C., aut. Spelman, Elizabeth V., aut. Butler, Judith. - Central European University, 2002.

Anotácia:  1.Analyses of Women's Oppression:
-"Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness," from Feminism & Philosophy
-"Political Philosophies of Women's Liberation," from Feminism and Philosophy
-"Oppression," from The Politics of Reality. "Five Faces of Oppression," from Justice and the Politics of Difference
2.Theories of Gender:
-"Gender Socialization," from Feminist Philosophies
-"Interpreting 'Gender'," from The Play of Reason
-"Liberating Philosophy: An End to the Dichotomy of Spirit and Matter," from Women, Knowledge, and Reality, 2nd edition
-"Sorties" in La jeune née
-"Re-Fusing Nature/Nurture," from Hypatia Reborn
-"Gender and Science," from Reflections on Gender and Science
-"Feminism, Postmodernism, and Gender-Skepticism," from Feminism/Postmodernism
-"Whose Language?" from Women, Knowledge, and Reality, 2nd edition
-"Gender as Seriality: Thinking about Women as a Social Collective," from The Second Signs Reader
3.Knowledge and Reason:
-"The Feminist Critique of Reason Revisited," Hypatia 14
-"Maleness, Metaphor, and the 'Crisis' of Reason," from A Mind of One 's Own
-"Bodies and Knowledges: Feminism and the Crisis of Reason," from Space, Time, and Perversion
4.Self & Identity:
-"Can I Choose Who I Am? And How Would that Empower Me? Gender, Race, Identities and the Self," from Women, Knowledge, and Reality, 2nd edition
-"But would that still be me?: Notes on gender, 'race,' ethnicity, as sources of identity," from The Journal of Philosophy: 1990
-"Decentering Women," from Metaphilosophy, vol. 27 (nos. 1&2): 1996. Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence," from The Signs Reader
-"Multiples: On the Contemporary Politics of Subjectivity," from Disputed Subjects
5.Equality/Difference/Sexual Difference:
-"The Question of Difference," from Feminism, Theory and the Politics of Difference
-"Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference," from Sister Outsider
-"Sexual Difference and Sexual Equality," from Theoretical Perspectives on Sexual Difference
6.Self/Other and Otherness:
-"Introduction to The Second Sex, " from The Second Sex
-"The Other: Woman," from I Love to You
-"The Question of the Other," from Democracy Begins Between Two
-"The Generalized and the Concrete Other," from Situating the Self
7.Selected Issues:
-"Rape and Respect," from Feminism and Philosophy
-"Abortion and the Concept of a Person," from Feminism and Philosophy
-"On the Use of IVF by Post-menopausal Women," Hypatia 14 ( l )
-"Pornography, Oppression, and Freedom: A Closer Look," from Women and Values
-"Is the Gaze Male?" from Women and Values
8.Feminist Theorizing:
-"Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory," from Feminism/Postmodernism
-"Have We Got a Theory for You! Feminist Theory, Cultural Imperialism and the Demand for 'The Woman's Voice'," from Feminism & Philosophy
-"Imitation and Gender Insubordination," from Women, Knowledge, and Reality, 2nd edition
K¾úèové slová : 01.1
Poznámka:  Prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 5000 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 08.5.2
- Nasi³owska, Anna - Podraza-Kwiatkowska, Maria - Iwasiów, Inga - Neyman, Elžbieta - Holmgren, Beth - K³osiñska, Krystyna - Górnicka-Boratyñska, Aneta - Misia, Iwona - Cixous, Hélene - Showalter, Elaine - Sanndomirskaja, Irina - Filipowicz, Halina - Kraskowska, Ewa - Popiel, Magdalene - Cho³uj , Božena - Ritz, German - Irigaray , Luce

Cia³o i tekst : Feminizm w literaturoznawstwie - antologia szkiców. / Red. Nasi³owska, Anna; Nasi³owska, Anna, Podraza-Kwiatkowska, Maria, Iwasiów, Inga, Neyman, Elžbieta, Holmgren, Beth, K³osiñska, Krystyna, Górnicka-Boratyñska, Aneta, Misia, Iwona, Cixous, Hélene, Showalter, Elaine, Sanndomirskaja, Irina, Filipowicz, Halina, Kraskowska, Ewa, Popiel, Magdalene, Cho³uj , Božena, Ritz, German, Irigaray , Luce, Prekl. Ulicka, Danuta, Prekl. LBRukasiewicz, Ma³gorzata, Prekl. Araszkiewicz, Agata, Prekl. Kujawska-Courtney, Krystyna, Prekl. Ostrowski, Witold. - 1. vydanie - Varšava : Instytut Badañ Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2009. - 290 s.

ISBN 978-83-61552-22--22

Anotácia:  Anna Nasi³owska: Teksty feministyczne
Maria Podraza-Kviatkowska: M³odopolska femina. Garœæ uwag
Inga Iwasiów: I Faustyna umrze... o twórczoœci Krystyny Kofty
Elžbieta Neyman: A cia³o s³owem siê sta³o
Gražyna Borkowska: Metafora droždžy. Co to jest literatura/poezja kobieca
Beth Holmgren: Sedno sprawy, czyli unarodowienie romansu
Krystyna K³osiñska: Kobieta autorka
Antea Górnicka-Boratyñska: W poszukiwaniu starszych sióstr. Wanda Melcer - próba portretu
Iwona Misiak: Wersy uwiêzione w datach. O wierszach rosyjskiej Safony, Sofii Parnok (1885-1933)
Z Toril Moi Rozmawia Ma³gorzata Walicka-Heuckel: feminizm jest polityczny
Hélene Cixous: Œmiech Meduzy Przeložy³a Anna Nasi³owska
Elaine Showalter: Przedsawiaj¹ Ofeliê: kobiety, szaleñstwo i zadania krytyki feministycznej Prze³ložilyi Krystyna Kujawska-Courtney i Witold Ostrowski
Anna Nasi³owska: Feminizm i psychoanaliza - ucieczka od opozycji
Irina Sandomirskaja: Duch litery "jery" Pre³ožy³a Danuta Ulicka
Halina Filipowicz: Przeciw "literaturze kobiecej"
Ewa Kraskowska: Kilka uwag na temat powieœci kobiecej
Magdalena Popiel: Feminizm i filologia
Božena Cho³uj: Matki i ich w³adza we wspó³czesnej literaturze niemieckiej
German Ritz: Seks, gender i tekst albo granice autonomii literackiej Prze³ožy³a Ma6gorzata LBRukasiewicz
Lucie Irigaray: I jedna nie ruszy bez drugiej Prze³oyzla Agata Araszkiewicz
K¾úèové slová : 08.5.2
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 944 požièaná

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