Klasifikácia: 01.1.6
Bellows, Anne C.

Siting Safety : Spatial Outcomes of the "Tested Food for Silesia" Program. / Bellows, Anne C.. - New Jersey : The State University , 1994. - 38 s.

Anotácia:  Contents
1. Introduction: a spatial abstraction of the local conflict
2. Silesia : environmental health risk and activist response
Health risks in Katowice
The Gliwice experience: food risk and siting safety
The grower to consumer distribution system
3. The Gliwice conflict within the context of locational theory
Local outcomes of global crises of capital
"Externalitites" : can activism aid and abet polluters
Spatial outcomes for food production
Summary: success or failure?
Kľúčové slová : 01.1.6
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: X020 voľná

- Bellows, Anne C. - Blagojević, Marina - Duhaček, Daša - Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore A. - Funk, Nanette - Fuszara, Małgorzata - Graham, Ann - Heinen, Jacqueline - Lukić, Jasmina - Magyari-Vincze, Enikő - Novikova, Irina - Regulska, Joanna - Slavova, Kornelia - Snitow, Ann - Zaviršek, Darja - Zielińska, Eleonora

Women and Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe. / ed. Lukić, Jasmina; ed. Regulska, Joanna, ed. Zavirsek, Darja, aut. Bellows, Anne C., aut. Blagojević, Marina, aut. Duhaček, Daša, aut. Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore A., aut. Funk, Nanette, aut. Fuszara, Małgorzata, aut. Graham, Ann, aut. Heinen, Jacqueline, aut. Lukić, Jasmina, aut. Magyari-Vincze, Enikő, aut. Novikova, Irina, aut. Regulska, Joanna, aut. Slavova, Kornelia, aut. Snitow, Ann, aut. Zaviršek, Darja, aut. Zielińska, Eleonora. - 1. vyd. - Burlington : Ashgate Publising Limited, 2006. - 319 s.

ISBN 978-0754646624

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
1 Romanian Gender Regimes and Womenĺs Citizenship (E. Magyari-Vincze)
2 Women and the Law in Poland: Towards Active Citizenship (M. Fuszara and E. Zielińska)
3 Citizenship, Systemic Change, and the Gender Division of Labor in Rural Hungary (S. A. Engel-Di Mauro)
4 Clashes and Ordeals of Womenĺs Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe (J. Heinen)
5 Gender Equality in Latvia: Achievements and Challenges (I. Novikova)
6 The Parameters of the Political: Does Meaning Matter for Participation in Public Life for Women in Poland and Ukraine? (A. Graham and J. Regulska)
7 Belgradeĺs Protests 1996/1997: From Women in the Movement to Womenĺs Movement? (M. Blagojević)
8 "A Right and a Great Need": Food Rights and Praxis in Silesia, Poland (A. C. Bellows)
9 Disabled Womenĺs Everyday Citizenship Rights in East Europe: Examples from Slovenia (D. Zavrišek)
10 The Making of Political Responsibility: Hannah Arendt and/in the Case of Serbia (D. Duhaček)
11 Poetics, Politics and Gender
12 Looking at Western Feminisms through the Double Lens of Eastern Europe and the Third World (K. Slavova)
13 Womenĺs NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: The Imperialist Criticism (N. Funk)
14 Cautionary Tales (A. Snitow)
Epilogue: Persisting Struggles
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Zakúpené vďaka finančnej podpre MPSVaR SR; súčasť projektu podporeného Finančným mechanizmom EHP 2009-2014 (OSF).
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6093 voľná

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