Klasifikácia: 04.2
- Waylen, Georgina - Celis, Karen - Weldon, S. Laurel - Kantola, Johanna - Hawkesworth, Mary - Hill Collins, Patricia - Chepp, Valerie - Dhamoon, Rita Kaur - Lloyd, Moya - Ackerly, Brooke - True, Jacqui - Coole, Diana - Lind, Amy - Mottier, Véronique - Elman, R. Amy - Rai, Shirin R. - Razavi, Shahra - Sainsbury, Diane - Ferguson, Lucy - Strolovitch, Dara Z. - Townsend-Bell, Erica - Kretschmer, Kelsy - Meyer, David S. - Beckwith, Karen - Ewig, Christina - Marx Ferree, Myra - Joachim, Jutta - Childs, Sarah - Lovenduski, Joni - Tripp, Aili Mari - Caul Kittilson, Miki - Krook, Mona Lena - Schwindt-Bayer, Leslie - Cichowski, Rachel - Chappell, Louise - Bedford, Kate - McBride, Dorothy E. - Mazur, Amy G. - Lombardo, Emanuela - Meier, Petra - Verloo, Mieke - Blofield, Merike - Haas, Liesl - Squires, Judith - Siim, Birte - Prins, Baukje - Saharso, Sawitri - Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi - Hansen, Lene

The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Politics. / ed. Waylen, Georgina; ed. Celis, Karen, ed. Weldon, S. Laurel, aut. Waylen, Georgina, aut. Celis, Karen, aut. Weldon, S. Laurel, aut. Kantola, Johanna, aut. Hawkesworth, Mary, aut. Hill Collins, Patricia, aut. Chepp, Valerie, aut. Dhamoon, Rita Kaur, aut. Lloyd, Moya, aut. Ackerly, Brooke, aut. True, Jacqui, aut. Coole, Diana, aut. Lind, Amy, aut. Mottier, Véronique, aut. Elman, R. Amy, aut. Rai, Shirin R., aut. Razavi, Shahra, aut. Sainsbury, Diane, aut. Ferguson, Lucy, aut. Strolovitch, Dara Z., aut. Townsend-Bell, Erica, aut. Kretschmer, Kelsy, aut. Meyer, David S., aut. Beckwith, Karen, aut. Ewig, Christina, aut. Marx Ferree, Myra, aut. Joachim, Jutta, aut. Childs, Sarah, aut. Lovenduski, Joni, aut. Tripp, Aili Mari, aut. Caul Kittilson, Miki, aut. Krook, Mona Lena, aut. Schwindt-Bayer, Leslie, aut. Cichowski, Rachel, aut. Chappell, Louise, aut. Bedford, Kate, aut. McBride, Dorothy E., aut. Mazur, Amy G., aut. Lombardo, Emanuela, aut. Meier, Petra, aut. Verloo, Mieke, aut. Blofield, Merike, aut. Haas, Liesl, aut. Squires, Judith, aut. Siim, Birte, aut. Prins, Baukje, aut. Saharso, Sawitri, aut. Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi, aut. Hansen, Lene. - 1. vyd. - Oxford - New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. - 872 s.

ISBN 978-0-19-975145-7

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
Introduction: Gender and Politics: A Gendered World, a Gendered Discipline
Part I: Gender and Politics: Concepts and Methods
1 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: From Naturalized Presumption to Analytical Categories
2 Intersectionality
3 Feminisms
4 Power, Politics, Domination, and Oppression
5 Methods and Methodologies
Part II: Body Politics
6 The Body and Politics
7 Heteronormativity and Sexuality
8 Reproductive Rights
9 Gender Violence
Part III: Gendered Political Economy: Production and Reproduction
10 Gender and (International) Political Economy
11 Households, Families, and Social Reproduction
12 Gender, Care, and Welfare
13 Gender, Work, and the Sexual Division of Labor
Part IV: Civil Society
14 Sex, Gender and Civil Society
15 Organizing around Gender Identities
16 The Comparative Study of Women's Movements
17 Feminist Organizing: What's Old, What's New? History, Trends, and Issues
18 Local - Global - Local: Women's Global Organizing
Part V: Participation and Representation
19 Political Representation
20 Political Systems and Gender
21 Party Politics
22 Electoral Institutions
23 Judical Politics and the Courts
Part VI: The State and Governance
24 The State and Governance
25 Gender, Institutions, and Multilevel Governance
23 Women's Policy Agencies and State Feminism
27 Policy Making
28 Policy Outputs
Part VII: Equality, Citizenship, and Nation
29 Equality and Universalism
30 Citizenship
31 Multiculturalism and Identity
32 Gender, Nations, and Nationalisms
33 Security, Conflict, and Militarization
Poznámka:  prezenčne
S podprou MPSVaR SR.
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5890 voľná

Klasifikácia: 04.4.5
- Paxton, Pamela - Mazur, Amy G. - Goertz, Gary - Celis, Karen - Sainsbury, Diane - Waylen, Georgina - Staudt, Kathleen - Duerst-Lahti, Georgia - Laurel Weldon, S. - McBride, Dorothy E.

Politics, Gender, and Concepts : Theory and Methodology . / eds. Goertz, Gary - Mazur, Amy G. ; aut. Paxton, Pamela , aut. Mazur, Amy G. , aut. Goertz, Gary, aut. Celis, Karen , aut. Sainsbury, Diane , aut. Waylen, Georgina, aut. Staudt, Kathleen, aut. Duerst-Lahti, Georgia , aut. Laurel Weldon, S. , aut. McBride, Dorothy E. . - 1. vyd. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 307 s.

ISBN 978-0-521-72342-8

Anotácia:  Part I Gendering concepts
3 Gendering democracy
4 Gendering representation
5 Gendering the welfare state
6 Gendering governance
7 Gendering development
Part II Gender-specific concepts
8 Gender ideology: masculinism and feminalism
9 Intersectionality
10 Women´s movements, feminism, and feminist movements
11 State feminism
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6274 požičaná

Klasifikácia: 04.2

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND GENDER : Volume 02 - Number 02 - June 2019 . / ed. Ahrens, Petra; ed. Celis, Karen, ed. Childs, Sarah, ed. Engeli, Isabelle, ed. Evans, Elizabeth, ed. Mügge,Liza, pripoj. meno Katelyn E. Stauffer, pripoj. meno Marlene Gerber, pripoj. meno Hans-Peter Schaub, pripoj. meno Sean Mueller, pripoj. meno Ian McAllister, pripoj. meno Manon Tremblay, pripoj. meno Stephen Holden Bates, pripoj. meno Alison Sealey, pripoj. meno Hilde Coffé, pripoj. meno Catherine Bolzendahl, pripoj. meno Katia Schnellecke, pripoj. meno Saskia Glas, pripoj. meno Niels Spierings, pripoj. meno Toni Haastrup, pripoj. meno Katharine A.M. Wright, pripoj. meno Roberta Guerrina, pripoj. meno Anna van der Vleuten. - Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2019. - 316 s.

Fast friends or strange bedfellows? Quantitative methods and gender and politics research (Katelyn E. Stauffer, University of South Carolina, USA; Diana Z. O'Brien, Rice University, USA)
O sister, where art thou? Theory and evidence on female participation at citizen assemblies (Marlene Gerber, Hans-Peter Schaub, Sean Mueller, University of Berne, Switzerland
The gender gap in political knowledge revisited: Australia's Julia Gillard as a natural experiment (Ian McAllister, Australian National University, Australia)
Outing representation: lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer politicians' narratives (Manon Tremblay, University of Ottawa, Canada)
Representing women, women representing: backbenchers' questions during Prime Minister's Questions, 1979-2010 (Stephen Holden Bates, University of Birmingham, UK; Alison Sealey, Lancaster University, UK)
Parties, issues, and power: women's partisan representation on German parliamentary committees (Hilde Coffé, University of Bath, UK; Catherine Bolzendahl, University of California, Irvine, USA; Katia Schnellecke, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Germany)
Support for feminism among highly religious Muslim citizens in the Arab region (Saskia Glas, Radboud University, Netherlands; Niels Spierings, Radboud University, Netherlands)
Brexit: gendered implications for equality in the UK (Toni Haastrup, University of Kent, UK; Katharine A.M. Wright, Newcastle University, UK; Roberta Guerrina, University of Surrey, UK )
Albion lost, paradise regained? Gender+ equality policies in the European Union 27 (Anna van der Vleuten, Radboud University, Netherlands)
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6527 voľná

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