Klasifikácia: 04.2.6
Fücks, Ralf - Horáček, Milan - Beck, Marieluise - Schreyer, Michaela - Künast, Renate - Schmidt, Frithjof - Harms, Rebecca - Hontelez, John - Graefe, Friedrich Wilhelm - Lorenzen, Hannes - Bsirske, Frank - Unmüssig, Barbara - Allroggen, Ulrike - Roth, Claudia - Steenblock, Rainder - Daxner, Michael - Grande, Edgar

Does Europe has a future? : Vhallenges for the german EU presidency. / aut. Fücks, Ralf; aut. Horáček, Milan , aut. Beck, Marieluise, aut. Schreyer, Michaela, aut. Künast, Renate, aut. Schmidt, Frithjof, aut. Harms, Rebecca, aut. Hontelez, John, aut. Graefe, Friedrich Wilhelm, aut. Lorenzen, Hannes, aut. Bsirske, Frank, aut. Unmüssig, Barbara, aut. Allroggen, Ulrike, aut. Roth, Claudia, aut. Steenblock, Rainder, aut. Daxner, Michael, aut. Grande, Edgar. - 1. vyd. - Brussel : Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2006. - 44 s.

Anotácia:  The future of the EU constitution
How far can enlargement go?
The future of european common foreign and security policy
the EU budget
Path clear for development?
European energy policy
Democratic rural policy
Struggling for Europeďs social dimension
Kľúčové slová : 04.2.6
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4514 voľná

Klasifikácia: 09.1.6
- Fücks, Ralf - Ridenti, Marcelo - Bogucka, Teresa - Tůma, Oldřich - Daniel, Alexander - Templin, Wolfgang - Nasson, Bill - Popov, Nebojša - Lechat, Benoît - Cohn-Bendit, Daniel

1968 revisited : 40 years of present movements. / ed. Farik, Nora; aut. úv. Weibner, Claude, aut. Fücks, Ralf, aut. Ridenti, Marcelo, aut. Bogucka, Teresa, aut. Tůma, Oldřich, aut. Daniel, Alexander, aut. Templin, Wolfgang, interview Meschkat, Klaus, aut. Nasson, Bill, aut. Popov, Nebojša, aut. Lechat, Benoît, aut. Cohn-Bendit, Daniel. - 1. vyd. - Brussels : Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2008. - 67 p. - (Democracy; 7)

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
What is left? 1968 revisited
1968 - Again! Reference year for an age. The events in Brazil
Poland in 1968: "The freedom we needed so badly was so obvious elsewhere"
1968: Czechoslovakia
1968 in Moscow - A Beginning
1968 - An East german Perspective
Germany 1968 - SDS, Urban Guerillas and Visions of Räterpublik
Apartheid South Africa in 1968: Not quite business as usual
Belgrade, June 1968
May 1968 in Belgium: The crack bursts open
"Today the big political game is 'bashing the 1960s'"
Kľúčové slová : sociálny systém; sociálny vývoj

English keywords: social system; social stratification
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5717 voľná

Ebertowski, Marianne - Haas, Melanie - Andreis, Sergio - Lechat, Benoît - Malcorps, Johan - Simpson, Tommy - Haavisto, Pekka - Spolitis, Veiko - Shanaáh, Šádí - van der Lek, Bram - Wolf, Otto Frieder - Yurttagül, Ali - Görlich, Annette - Krannich, Margret - Onstenk, Annemiek - Schreiber, Barbarita - Lorenzen, Hannes - Lech, Bartek - Verweijen, Judith - Bütikofer, Reinhard - Grzybek, Agnieszka - Szwed, Dariusz

Green Identity in a Changing Europe. / aut. Ebertowski, Marianne; aut. úv. Fücks, Ralf, aut. Haas, Melanie, aut. Andreis, Sergio, aut. Lechat, Benoît, aut. Malcorps, Johan, aut. Simpson, Tommy, aut. Haavisto, Pekka, aut. Spolitis, Veiko, aut. Shanaáh, Šádí, aut. van der Lek, Bram, aut. Wolf, Otto Frieder, aut. Yurttagül, Ali, aut. Görlich, Annette, aut. Krannich, Margret, aut. Onstenk, Annemiek, aut. Schreiber, Barbarita, aut. Lorenzen, Hannes, aut. Lech, Bartek, aut. Verweijen, Judith, aut. Bütikofer, Reinhard, aut. Grzybek, Agnieszka, aut. Szwed, Dariusz. - 1. vyd. - Brussels : Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2008. - 124 s. - (Democracy)

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
PART ONE: Between Struggle for Existence and Ministerial Posts: the National Tales
1. The German Greens: Past, Present and Future
2. Have We Created a Monster? The Rise and Fall of the Italian Greens
3. Ecolo, an Evergreen Story at the Heart of Europe
4. Groen! - A Tale of Failing Down and Getting Up Again
5. From Pressure Group to Government Partner - The Irish Way
6. The Greens in Finland - From Grassroots to Government
7. Taking Root in Unfertile Soil: the Growth of the Estonian Green Parties
8. The Czech Green Party: Brief Success or Lasting Presence?
9. Zieloni 2004 - Scenes From a Long March
PART TWO: The Greening of the European Project
The Way We Were...
10. Intrusion of a Motley Crew: the First Green Group in the European Parliament
11. Magic Moments from the Past
12. Migration, Asylum, Civil Rights and Minorities
13. Breaking New Ground - The Women's Bureau
14. Dogged Workers for Sustainable Solutions
15. Green Agricultural Policy - The Perennial Battle
... the Future as We See It
16. Ready for a Bumpy Ride
17. Recipes From the Young Green Kitchen
18. As Greens We Need Europe and Europe Needs Us
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5859 voľná

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