
Gender Politics and Post-Communism : Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. / Edit. Funk, Nanette; Edit. Mueller, Magda. - New York - London : Routledge, 1993. - 349 s. - (Thinking Gender)

ISBN 0-415-90478-1

Anotácia:  o: Bulharsko - Rumunsko - ČSFR - bývalá Juhoslávia - bývalá NDR - Maďarsko - Poľsko - bývalý ZSSR - SNŠ
autorky aj: Hana Havelková - Jiřina Šiklová - Zuzana Kiczková - Etela Farkašová - Alena Heitlinger
Introduction: Women and Post-Communism
- Bulgaria
1. Thinking Gender: Bulgarian Womenĺs Im/possibilities
2. The Winding Road to Emancipation in Bulgaria
3. The Bulgarian Case: Womenĺs Issues or Feminist Issues?
- Romania
4. Women in Romania
5. Women in Romania: Before and after the Collapse
- Czech and Slovak Republics
6. A Few Prefeminist Thoughts
7. Are Women in Central and Eastern Europe Conservative?
8. The Emancipation of Women: A Concept that Failed
9. The Impact of the Transition form Communism on the Status of Women in the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Former Yugoslavia
10. Women and Nationalism in the Former Yugoslavia
11. Women and the New Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia
12. Womenĺs Time in the Former Yugoslavia
- Former German Democratic Republic
13. Women in the German Democratic Republic and in the New Federal States: Looking Backward and Forward
14. The Womenĺs Question as a Democratic Question: In Search of Civil Society
15. Lesbians and their Emancipation in the Former German Democratic Republic: Past and Future
16. "But the Pictures Stay the Sameůö The Image of Women in the Journal Für Dich Before and After the "Turning Pointö
17. The Organized Womenĺs Movement in the Collapse of the GDR: The Independent Womenĺs Association
18. Abortion and German Unification
- Hungary
19. "Totalitarian Lib": The Legacy of Communism for Hungarian Women
20. Feminism and Hungary
21. No Envy, No Pity
22. Gender Politics in Hungary: Autonomy and Antifeminism
- Poland
23. Abortion and the Foundation of the Public Sphere in Poland
24. Political Change in Poland: Cause, Modifier, or Barrier to Gender Equality?
25. Feminism in the Interstices of Politics and Culture: Poland in Transition
- Former USSR- Commonwealth of Independent States
26. Soviet Women at the Crossroads of Perestroika
27. Finding a Voice: The Emergence of a Womenĺs Movement
Reflections from Outside
28. Eastern European Male Democracies: A Problem of Unequal Equality
29. Feminism East and West
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  549 prezenčne, iné absenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 155 voľná, 549 voľná

Klasifikácia: 04.2
- Robinson, Jean C. - Johnson, Janet Elise - Lyon, Tania Rands - Johnson, Janet Elise - Kramer, Anne-Marie - Grigar, Ewa - Taraban, Svitlana - Shevchenko, Iulia - Woodcock, Shannon - Hromadzic, Azra - Brzozowska, Anna - Funk, Nanette

Living Gender after Comminism. / ed. Johnson, Janet Elise; ed. Robinson, Jean C., aut. Robinson, Jean C., aut. Johnson, Janet Elise, aut. Lyon, Tania Rands, aut. Johnson, Janet Elise, aut. Kramer, Anne-Marie, aut. Grigar, Ewa, aut. Taraban, Svitlana, aut. Shevchenko, Iulia, aut. Woodcock, Shannon, aut. Hromadzic, Azra, aut. Brzozowska, Anna, aut. Funk, Nanette. - 1. vyd. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2007. - 263 s.

ISBN 978-0-253-34812-8

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
Living Gender (Janete Elise Johnson and Jean C. Robinson)
1. Housewife Fantasies, Family Realities in the New Russia (Tania Rands Lyon)
2. Contesting Gender: Crisis Centers Encountering Local Governments in Barnaul, Russia (Janet Elise Johnson)
3. The Abortion Debate in Poland: Opinion Polls, Ideological Politics, Citizenship, and the Erasure of Gender as a Category of Analysis (Anne-Marie Kramer)
4. The Gendered Body as Raw Material for Women Artists of Central Eastern Europe after Communism (Ewa Grigar)
5. Birthday Girls, Russian Dolls, and Others: Internet Bride as the Emerging Global Identity of Post-Soviet Women (Svitlana Taraban)
6. Does the Gender of MPs Matter in Postcommunist Politics? The Case of the Russian Duma, 1995-2001 (Iulia Shevchenko)
7. Romanian Women's Discourses of Sexual Violence: Othered Ethnicities, Gendering Spaces (Shannon Woodcock)
8. Challenging the Discourse of Bosnian War Rapes (Azra Hromadzic)
9. Deficient Belarus? Insidious Gender Binaries and Hyper-feminized Nationality (Anna Brzozowska)
Fifteen Years of the East-West Women's Dialogue (Nanette Funk)

Poznámka:  Zakúpené za podpory HBS
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5737 požičaná

- Bellows, Anne C. - Blagojević, Marina - Duhaček, Daša - Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore A. - Funk, Nanette - Fuszara, Małgorzata - Graham, Ann - Heinen, Jacqueline - Lukić, Jasmina - Magyari-Vincze, Enikő - Novikova, Irina - Regulska, Joanna - Slavova, Kornelia - Snitow, Ann - Zaviršek, Darja - Zielińska, Eleonora

Women and Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe. / ed. Lukić, Jasmina; ed. Regulska, Joanna, ed. Zavirsek, Darja, aut. Bellows, Anne C., aut. Blagojević, Marina, aut. Duhaček, Daša, aut. Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore A., aut. Funk, Nanette, aut. Fuszara, Małgorzata, aut. Graham, Ann, aut. Heinen, Jacqueline, aut. Lukić, Jasmina, aut. Magyari-Vincze, Enikő, aut. Novikova, Irina, aut. Regulska, Joanna, aut. Slavova, Kornelia, aut. Snitow, Ann, aut. Zaviršek, Darja, aut. Zielińska, Eleonora. - 1. vyd. - Burlington : Ashgate Publising Limited, 2006. - 319 s.

ISBN 978-0754646624

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
1 Romanian Gender Regimes and Womenĺs Citizenship (E. Magyari-Vincze)
2 Women and the Law in Poland: Towards Active Citizenship (M. Fuszara and E. Zielińska)
3 Citizenship, Systemic Change, and the Gender Division of Labor in Rural Hungary (S. A. Engel-Di Mauro)
4 Clashes and Ordeals of Womenĺs Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe (J. Heinen)
5 Gender Equality in Latvia: Achievements and Challenges (I. Novikova)
6 The Parameters of the Political: Does Meaning Matter for Participation in Public Life for Women in Poland and Ukraine? (A. Graham and J. Regulska)
7 Belgradeĺs Protests 1996/1997: From Women in the Movement to Womenĺs Movement? (M. Blagojević)
8 "A Right and a Great Need": Food Rights and Praxis in Silesia, Poland (A. C. Bellows)
9 Disabled Womenĺs Everyday Citizenship Rights in East Europe: Examples from Slovenia (D. Zavrišek)
10 The Making of Political Responsibility: Hannah Arendt and/in the Case of Serbia (D. Duhaček)
11 Poetics, Politics and Gender
12 Looking at Western Feminisms through the Double Lens of Eastern Europe and the Third World (K. Slavova)
13 Womenĺs NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: The Imperialist Criticism (N. Funk)
14 Cautionary Tales (A. Snitow)
Epilogue: Persisting Struggles
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Zakúpené vďaka finančnej podpre MPSVaR SR; súčasť projektu podporeného Finančným mechanizmom EHP 2009-2014 (OSF).
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6093 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.2.2
- Oakley, Ann - Gatens, Moira - Andreson, Bonnie - Beauvoir, Simone de - Laqueur, Thomas - Lloyd, Genevieve - Lorber, Judit - Scott, Joan W. - Idem - Wollstonecraft, Mary - Scott, Joan - Guy-Steftall, Beverly - Truth, Sojourner - Mill, John S. - Haan, Francisca de - Spender, Dale - Gordon, Lyndall - Todd, Janet - Yeo, Eileen - Tomalin, Claire - Giddens, Paula - Sklar, Kish K. - Rupp, Leila - Zimmermann, Susan - Sinha, Mrinalini - Guy, Donna J. - Woollacott, Angela - Ehrick, Christine - Anderson, Bonnie - Rossi, Alice S. - Hartmann, Heidi - Rubin, Gayle - Barrett, Michele - Nicholson, Linda - Kaplan, Cora - Zetkin, Klara - Kollontai, Klara - Kiczková, Zuzana - Farkašová, Etela - Zdravomyslova, Elena - Temkina, Anna - Firestone, Shulamith - MacKinnon, Catherine A. - Allen, Jeffner - Frye, Marilyn - Witting, Monique - Rich, Adrienne - Goscilo, Helena - Segal, Lynne - Vance, Carole S. - Cornell, Drucilla - Dworkin, Andrea - Ware, Vron - Mohanty, Talpade Ch. - Spivak, Gayatri Ch. - Ghost, Durba - Keenan, Deirdre - Loomba, Ania - Connel, R. W. - Kimmel, Michael - Creech, James - Gardiner, Judith K. - Nussbaum, Martha - Phillips, Ann - Funk, Nanette - Okin, Susan M. - Smith, Patricia - Cudd, Ann - Alcoff, Linda - Young, Iris M. - Brown, Wendy - Sa'ar, Amalia - Gillis, Stacy - Munford, Rebecca - Eisenstein, Zillah - Renne, Tanya - Moghadam, Valentine - Mann, Susan A. - Huffman, Douglas J. - Afshar, Haleh - Azzam, Maha - Jaggar, Alisson - Acker, Joan - Directive 2002/7 - Friedan, Betty - Heywood, Leslie - Drake, Jennifer - Lorde, Audre - Portuges, Catherine - Shulman, Alex K. - Walker, Alice - Walker, Rebecca

Foundations in Gender Studies I: Histories, Theories, Futures : Vol. 1. & Vol. 2. / zost. Haan, Francisca de; aut. Oakley, Ann, aut. Gatens, Moira, aut. Andreson, Bonnie, aut. Beauvoir, Simone de, aut. Laqueur, Thomas, aut. Lloyd, Genevieve, aut. Lorber, Judit, aut. Scott, Joan W., aut. Idem, aut. Wollstonecraft, Mary, aut. Scott, Joan, aut. Guy-Steftall, Beverly, aut. Truth, Sojourner, aut. Mill, John S., aut. Haan, Francisca de, aut. Spender, Dale, aut. Gordon, Lyndall, aut. Todd, Janet, aut. Yeo, Eileen, aut. Tomalin, Claire, aut. Giddens, Paula, aut. Sklar, Kish K., aut. Rupp, Leila, aut. Zimmermann, Susan, aut. Sinha, Mrinalini, aut. Guy, Donna J., aut. Woollacott, Angela, aut. Ehrick, Christine, aut. Anderson, Bonnie, aut. Rossi, Alice S., aut. Hartmann, Heidi, aut. Rubin, Gayle, aut. Barrett, Michele, aut. Nicholson, Linda, aut. Kaplan, Cora, aut. Zetkin, Klara, aut. Kollontai, Klara, aut. Kiczková, Zuzana, aut. Farkašová, Etela, aut. Zdravomyslova, Elena, aut. Temkina, Anna, aut. Firestone, Shulamith, aut. MacKinnon, Catherine A., aut. Allen, Jeffner, aut. Frye, Marilyn, aut. Witting, Monique, aut. Rich, Adrienne, aut. Goscilo, Helena, aut. Segal, Lynne, aut. Vance, Carole S., aut. Cornell, Drucilla, aut. Dworkin, Andrea, aut. Ware, Vron, aut. Mohanty, Talpade Ch., aut. Spivak, Gayatri Ch., aut. Ghost, Durba, aut. Keenan, Deirdre, aut. Loomba, Ania, aut. Connel, R. W., aut. Kimmel, Michael, aut. Creech, James, aut. Gardiner, Judith K., aut. Nussbaum, Martha, aut. Phillips, Ann, aut. Funk, Nanette, aut. Okin, Susan M., aut. Smith, Patricia, aut. Cudd, Ann, aut. Alcoff, Linda, aut. Young, Iris M., aut. Brown, Wendy, aut. Sa'ar, Amalia, aut. Gillis, Stacy, aut. Munford, Rebecca, aut. Eisenstein, Zillah, aut. Renne, Tanya, aut. Moghadam, Valentine, aut. Mann, Susan A., aut. Huffman, Douglas J., aut. Afshar, Haleh, aut. Azzam, Maha, aut. Jaggar, Alisson, aut. Acker, Joan, aut. Directive 2002/7, aut. Friedan, Betty, aut. Heywood, Leslie, aut. Drake, Jennifer, aut. Lorde, Audre, aut. Portuges, Catherine, aut. Shulman, Alex K., aut. Walker, Alice, aut. Walker, Rebecca. - 1. vyd. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007.

Anotácia:  PART 1 (sig. 6227)
- Sex, Gender, and Society
- Imaginary Bodies. Ethics, Power and corporeality
- Joyous Greetings. The First International Women's Movement
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
- 'A Woman Who Only Has Paradoxes to Offer': Olympe de Gouges Claims Rights for Women
- The Evolution of Feminist Consciousness Among African American Women
- "Woman's Rights" [1851] and "When Woman Gets Her Rights Man Will be Right" [1867]
- The Subjection of Women
- A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms
- Worlds of Women. The Making of an International Women's Movement
- The Challenge of Multinational Empire for the International Women's Movement: The Habsburg Monarchy and the Development of Feminist Inter/National Politics
- Introduction: Why Feminism and Internationalism?
- Madrinas and Missionaries: Uruguay and the Pan-American Women's Movement
- Working-Class Socialist: August Bebel (1840-1913)," and abstracts from Bebel's Woman and Socialism (originally: Die Frau und der Sozialismus, 1879)
- A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms
- The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism. Towards a More Progressive Union
- The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economyĺ of Sex
- Capitalism and Women's Liberation
- The Emancipation of Women: A Concept that Failed
- Gendered Citizenship in Soviet and Post-Soviet Societies
- Dialectics of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution
- Sex Equality: Difference and Dominance
- Motherhood: The Annihilation of Women
- Some Reflections on Separatism and Power
- One is not Born a Woman
- Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
PART 2 (sig. 6228)
- Sexuality
- New Members and Organs: The Politics of Porn
- Does Pornography Cause Violence? The Search for Evidence
- Pleasure and Danger: Towards a politics of Sexuality
- Beyond the Pale. White Women, Racism, and History part 1: "The White Woman's Burden? Race and Gender in Historical Memory
- Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse.
- Can the Subaltern Speak?
- Masculinities: (Chapter 1: The Science of Masculinity; Chapter 3: The Social Organization of Masculinity)
- The Feminist Critique of Liberalism
- Feminism and Liberalism Revisited: Has Martha Nussbaum got it right
- Feminist Critiques of Liberalism: Can They Travel East? Their Relevance in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
- John Rawls: Justice as Fairness ľ For Whom?
- Cultural Feminism versus Poststructuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory
- Social Movements and the Politics of Difference
- Genealogies and Generations: the politics and praxis of third wave feminism
- Feminisms from elsewheres
- The Future is Feminist: An Interview with Five Young Romanian Women
- Islamic Feminism and its Discontents: Toward a Resolution of the Debate
Poznámka:  prezenčne, dar čitateľky
Sig. 6227 - Vol. 1.
Sig. 6228 - Vol. 2.
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6227 voľná, 6228 voľná

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