Klasifikácia: 04.4.4
Neimanis, Astrida

Gender Mainstreaming in Practice : A Handbook. / Neimanis, Astrida; GRU Salam, Al. - 2. vyd. - Bratislava : UNDP Regional Centre, 2005. - 147 s.

ISBN 92-95042-22-0

Anotácia:  Contents:
I: 10 Steps to Intergrating Gender into the Policy-making Process
II. Gender Briefs: A Sectoral Approach to Mainstreaming
Macroeconomics and Trade
Governance and Participation
Justice and Human Rights
Science, Research and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Mass Media
Environment and Sustainable Development
Defense, Conflict and Peace-building
Kžúčové slová : 04.4.4
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (príručka) Signatúra: 3863 vožná, 5273 vožná

Klasifikácia: 04.4.4
Neimanis, Astrida - Tortisyn, Arkadi

Gender Thematic Guidance Note. / Neimanis, Astrida; Tortisyn, Arkadi. - New York : National Human Development Report Unit of the Human Development Report Office and the Bureau for Development Policy, .

Anotácia:  Table of Contents:
1. Concept Note
Gender and Human development: The Challenges
Gender and Human Development: The International Commitments
Gender in the Global Human Development Reports
Gender Mainstreaming: The Strategy
Gender and Human Development: The Analytical Approach
2. Guidance Note
Gender and Planning NHDRs
Mainstreaming Gender into Grafting NHDRS
Considering Gender in the Aditing, Revision and Finalization of NHDRs
Considering Gender After Production
3. Sectoral and Development Indicators
Kžúčové slová : 04.4.4
Poznámka:  Prezenčne.
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 5307 vožná

Klasifikácia: 04.3.2
Nowakowska, Urszula - Licek, Irena - Abdurazakova, Dono - Belic, Martina - Lukac-Koritnik, Gordana - Kavasa, Dace - Neimanis, Astrida

Zakonodatežstvo, postrojennoje s učetom gendernych principov, v ctranach centražnoj i vostočnoj Jevropy i cng : Rukovodstvo po prodviženiju i zaščite gendernogo ravenctva posredstvom zakona. / Nowakowska, Urszula; Licek, Irena, Abdurazakova, Dono, Belic, Martina, Lukac-Koritnik, Gordana, Kavasa, Dace, Neimanis, Astrida. - Bratislava : UNDP, 2003. - 64 s.

Kžúčové slová : 04.3.2
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 5274 vožná

Klasifikácia: 01
- Evans, Mary - Madhok, Sumi - Code, Lorraine - Neimanis, Astrida - Letherby, Gayle - Grenz, Sabine - Kruks, Sonia - Campbell, Kirsten - Hawthorne, Sian - Evans, Mary - Wearing, Sadie - McBean, Sam - Jacobs, Amber - Ware, Vron - Reading, Anna - Boyle, Karen - Whelehan, Imelda - Oliver, Hatty - Hemmings, Clare - Spruce, Emma - Caluya, Gilbert - Germon, Jennifer - Probyn, Elspeth - Hennessy, Rosemary - Wright, Michelle M. - Puri, Jyoti - Andrijasevic, Rutvica - Plomien, Ania - Hanappi-Egger, Edeltraud - Floro, Maria S. - Sigle-Rushton, Wendy - Himmelweit, Susan - Dunford, Robin - Perrons, Diane - Klatzer, Elisabeth - Schlager, Christa - Barker, Drucilla K. - Kuiper, Edith - Rodríguez Enríquez, Corina - Henry, Marsha - Sjoberg, Laura - Parpart, Jane - Partridge, Kevin - Jones, Adam - Eriksson Baaz, Maria - Stern, Maria - Parashar, Swati

The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory. / Evans, Mary - Hemmings, Clare - Henry, Marsha - Johnstone, Hazel - Madhok, Sumi - Plomien, Ania - Wearing, Sadie; aut. Evans, Mary, aut. Madhok, Sumi , aut. Code, Lorraine, aut. Neimanis, Astrida, aut. Letherby, Gayle, aut. Grenz, Sabine , aut. Kruks, Sonia, aut. Campbell, Kirsten , aut. Hawthorne, Sian, aut. Evans, Mary, aut. Wearing, Sadie , aut. McBean, Sam , aut. Jacobs, Amber, aut. Ware, Vron , aut. Reading, Anna, aut. Boyle, Karen, aut. Whelehan, Imelda, aut. Oliver, Hatty, aut. Hemmings, Clare, aut. Spruce, Emma, aut. Caluya, Gilbert, aut. Germon, Jennifer, aut. Probyn, Elspeth, aut. Hennessy, Rosemary, aut. Wright, Michelle M. , aut. Puri, Jyoti, aut. Andrijasevic, Rutvica, aut. Plomien, Ania , aut. Hanappi-Egger, Edeltraud, aut. Floro, Maria S. , aut. Sigle-Rushton, Wendy, aut. Himmelweit, Susan, aut. Dunford, Robin , aut. Perrons, Diane , aut. Klatzer, Elisabeth, aut. Schlager, Christa, aut. Barker, Drucilla K. , aut. Kuiper, Edith, aut. Rodríguez Enríquez, Corina, aut. Henry, Marsha, aut. Sjoberg, Laura, aut. Parpart, Jane , aut. Partridge, Kevin , aut. Jones, Adam , aut. Eriksson Baaz, Maria, aut. Stern, Maria, aut. Parashar, Swati. - 1. vyd. - Los Angeles, London, New Dehli, Singapore, Washington DC : SAGE , 2014. - 650 s.

ISBN 978-1-4462-5241-3

1.Feminist Epistemology and the Politics of Knowledge: Questions of Marginality
2.Natural Others? On Nature, Culture and Knowledge
3.Feminist Auto/Biography
4.Power in Feminist Researsh Processes
5.Women´s ´Lived Experience´: Feminism and Phenomenology from Simone de Beauvoir to the Present
6.What do Women Want? Feminist Epistemology and Psychoanalytic Theory
7.Entangled Subjects: Feminism, Religion and the Obligation to Alterity
8.Religion, Feminist Theory and Epistemology
9.What Stories Make Worlds, What Worlds Make Stories: Margaret Atwood´s Oryx and Crake
10.On Maternal Listening: Experiments in Sound and the Mother ž Daughter Relation in Todd Haynes´ Mildred Pierce
11.The Space of a Movement: Life- Writing Against Racism
12.Making Memory Work for Feminist Theory
13.Feminism and Pornography
14.Representing Women in Popular Culture
15.´It´s all About Shopping´: The Role of Consumption in the Feminization of Journalism
16.(It´s not all) Kylie Concerts, Exotic Coctails and Gossip: the Appearance of Sexuality through ´Gay´ Asylum in the UK
17.Globalization and Feminism : Changing Taxonomies of Sex, Gender and Sexuality
18.Thinking Sex Materially: Marxist, Socialist, and Related Feminist Approaches
19.Transnational Black Feminisms, Womanisms and Queer of Color Critiques
20.States´ Sexualities: Theorizing Sexuality, Gender and Governance
21.Tme Figure of the Trafficked Victim: Gender, Rights and Representation
22.Sexuality, Subjectivity ...and Political Economy?
23.´Homo Economicus´ and ´His´ Impact on Gendered Societies
24.Integrating Gender in Economic Analysis
25.Essentially Quantified? Towards a More Feminist Modeling Strategy
26.Feminist Perspectives on Care: Theory, Practice and Policy
27.Power, Privilege and Precarity: Tme Gendered Dynamicsof Contemporary Inequality
28.Feminist Perspectives in Macroeconomics: Reconfiguration of Power Structures and Erosion of Gender Equality through the New Economic Governance Regime in the European Union
29.Gender, Class and Location in the Global Economy
30.Social Protection
31.Female Combatants, Feminism and Just War
32.Soldiering on: Pushing Militarized Masculinities into New Territory
33.Gender, Genocide and Gendercide
34.Understanding Sexual Violence in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings
35.(En)gendered Terror: Feminist Approaches to Political Violence
Poznámka:  s podporou MPSVR 12/2015
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6265 vožná

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