Klasifikácia: 04.2
- Cheminant, Wayne Le - Parrish, John M. - fISHKIN, jAMES s. - Fishkin, James S. - Ball, Terence - Klemp, Nathaniel - Lakoff, George - McDermott, Rose - Tarnopolsky, Christina - Fox, Richard L. - Gangl, Amy - Jacobs, Lawrence R. - Iyengar, Shanto - Hahn, Kyu S.

Manipulating Democracy : Democratic Theory, Political Psychology, and Mass Media. / ed. Cheminant, Wayne Le; ed. Parrish, John M., aut. Cheminant, Wayne Le, aut. Parrish, John M., aut. fISHKIN, jAMES s., aut. Fishkin, James S., aut. Ball, Terence, aut. Klemp, Nathaniel, aut. Lakoff, George, aut. McDermott, Rose, aut. Tarnopolsky, Christina, aut. Fox, Richard L., aut. Gangl, Amy, aut. Jacobs, Lawrence R., aut. Iyengar, Shanto, aut. Hahn, Kyu S.. - 1. vyd. - New York : Routledge, 2011. - 258 s.

ISBN 978-0-415-87805-0

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
Introdoction Manipulating Democracy: A Reapraisal
PART I. Democratic Theory
1 Manipulation and Democratic Theory (James S. Fishkin)
2 Manipulation: As Old as Democracy Itself (and Sometimes Dangerous) (Terrence Ball)
3 When Rhetoric Turns Manipulative: Disentangling Persuasion and Manipulation (Nathaniel Klemp)
PART II. Political Psychology
4 Changing Brains: Lessons from the Living Wage Campaign (George Lakoff)
5 Emotional Manipulation of Political Identity (Rose McDermott)
6 Mimesis, Persuasion and Manipulation in Plato's Republic (Christina Tarnopolsky)
PART III. Mass Media
7 "News You Can't Use": Politics and Democracy in the New Media Enviroment (Richard L. Fox and Amy Gangl)
8 The Betrayal of Democracy: The Purpose of Public Opinion Survey Research and its Misuse by Presidents (Lawrence R. Jacobs)
9 The Political Economy of Mass Media: Implications for Informed Citizenship (Shanto Iyengar and Kyu S. Hahn)
10 Exploiting the Clueless: Heresthetic, Overload, and Rational Ignorance (Andrew Sabl)
Kľúčové slová : demokracia; manipulácia; politická teória; politické vzdelávanie; politický systém; politika; rétorika; médiá

English keywords: democracy; manipulation; political theory; political education; political system; politics; rhetoric; media
Poznámka:  Zakúpené za podpory HBS
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5735 voľná

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