Klasifikácia: 05.4.1
Chen, Martha - Vanek, Joann - Lund, Francie - Heintz, James - Jhabvala, Renana - Bonner, Christine

Progress of the World's Women 2005 : Women / Work / & / Poverty. / Chen, Martha; Vanek, Joann, Lund, Francie, Heintz, James, Jhabvala, Renana, Bonner, Christine, FOT Ludwig, Gerd, Edit. Judd, Karen, GRU Rhett, Cynthia. - New York : United Nations Developement Fund for Women, 2005. - 112 s.

ISBN 1-932827-26-9

Anotácia:  Contents:
Overview: Women, Work an Poverty
1. Employment and Poverty Reduction
Poverty and Gender Inequality in the 21st Century
Employment in the 21st Century Employment in the MDGs and PRSPs
Organization of this Report
2. The Totality of Womenďs Work
Understanding and Measuring Womenďs Work
Mapping Womenďs Paid and Unpaid Work
The Dynamics of Womenďs Paid and Unpaid Work
Gender and Other Sources of Disadvantage: Implications for Poverty Reduction
3. Employment, Gender and Poverty
Informal Employment: Definition and Recent Data
Millennium Developement Goal 3: Recommended Employment Indicators
Labour Force Segmentation, Earnings and Poverty: Developed Country Data
Labour Force Segmentation, Earnings and Poverty: New Data from Developing Countires
Labour Markets and Labour Force Statistics
4. The Reality of Womenďs Informal Work
Nature of Informal Work
Benefits of Informal Work
Costs of Informal Work
Close-up: Occupational Groups
A Causal Model of the Informal Economy
Poverty, Gender and Informal Employment
5. Womenďs Organizing in the Onformal Economy
Benefits of Organizing
Identifying as Workers
Strategies and Forms of Organizing
Influencing Policy Decisions: National, Regional and International Networks and Alliances
6. A Framework for Policy and Action
Policy Debates on the Informal Ecenomy
Framework for Policy and Action
Close-up: Good Practice Cases
The Way Forward
Kľúčové slová : 05.4.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (správa výskumná) Signatúra: 3857 voľná

Klasifikácia: 05.2
- Fodor , Eva - Steinhilber, Silke - Vanek, Joann - Villagoméz, Elizabeth - Judd, Karen

The Story Behind the Numbers : Women and Employment in Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Commonwealth of Independent States. / Edit. Jacobs, Gloria; Fodor , Eva, Steinhilber, Silke, Vanek, Joann, Villagoméz, Elizabeth, Judd, Karen. - 1. vydanie - Bratislava : United Nations Development Fund for Women, 2006. - 69 s.

ISBN 92-95052-01-3

Anotácia:  Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: From Revolution to Revolution
Chapter 2: Women in the Labour Force
Chapter 3: Women Without Employment
Chapter 4: Patterns and Conditions of Womenďs Employment
Chapter 5: Conclisions and Recommendations
Kľúčové slová : 05.2
Poznámka:  Prezenčne.
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 5291 požičaná

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