Klasifikácia: 03.1.1
Walby, Sylvia

The Cost of Domestic Violence : September 2004. / Walby, Sylvia. - DTI, 2004. - 117 s.

Anotácia:  Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Review of previous research
3. How much domestic violence?
4. Criminal justice system
5. Health costs
6. Mental health
7. Social services and children
8. Housing
9. Civil legal costs
10. Employment
11. Human and emotional costs
12. Summation of costs
13. Developing the estimates
Kľúčové slová : 03.1.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (správa výskumná) Signatúra: 4135 voľná

Klasifikácia: 05.2.1
Walby, Sylvia

Partarchy at Work : Partiarchal and Capitalist Relations in Employment. / Walby, Sylvia.

Anotácia:  parts:
Theories of Gender Inequality: a Critique
Towards a New Theory of Patriarchy
Theories of Women and Paid Work
Kľúčové slová : 05.2.1
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: X528 voľná

Klasifikácia: 02.2.2
- Code, Lorraine - Longino, Helen - Hankinson Nelson, Lynn - Rose, Hillary - Tanesini, Alessandra - Fox Keller, Evelyn - Walby, Sylvia - Harding, Sandra - Halberg, Margareta - Gross, Paul - Levitt, Norman - Harstock, Nancy - Lukács, Georg - Hekman, Susan - Hennessy, Rosemary - Pels, Dick - Campell, Richmond - Rouse, Joseph - Knorr-Cetina, Karin - Elam, Mark - Juhlin, Oskar - Duran, Jane - Hill Collins Patricia - Moya, Paula M. L. - On, Bat-Ami Bar - Bailey, Alison - Alcoff, Linda Martin - Anzaldua, Gloria - Lorde, Audre - Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky - Harraway, Donna - Chambers, David Wade - Gillespie, Richard - Cudd, Ann E. - Nanda, Meera - Lykke, Nina - Menser, Michael - Aronowitz, Stanely - Goodeve, Thyrza Nichols - Gray, Chris Hables - Barad, Karen - Latour, Bruno - Bloor, David - Daston, Lorraine - Lloyd, Elisabeth - Bhavnani, Kum-Kum - Megill, Allan - Levins, Richard - Singleton, Vicky

Introduction to feminist epistemologies : Winter term 2002/2003. / zost. Singer, Mona; aut. Code, Lorraine, aut. Longino, Helen, aut. Hankinson Nelson, Lynn, aut. Rose, Hillary, aut. Tanesini, Alessandra, aut. Fox Keller, Evelyn, aut. Walby, Sylvia, aut. Harding, Sandra, aut. Halberg, Margareta, aut. Gross, Paul, aut. Levitt, Norman, aut. Harstock, Nancy, aut. Lukács, Georg, aut. Hekman, Susan, aut. Hennessy, Rosemary, aut. Pels, Dick, aut. Campell, Richmond, aut. Rouse, Joseph, aut. Knorr-Cetina, Karin, aut. Elam, Mark, aut. Juhlin, Oskar, aut. Duran, Jane, aut. Hill Collins Patricia, aut. Moya, Paula M. L., aut. On, Bat-Ami Bar, aut. Bailey, Alison, aut. Alcoff, Linda Martin, aut. Anzaldua, Gloria, aut. Lorde, Audre, aut. Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, aut. Harraway, Donna, aut. Chambers, David Wade, aut. Gillespie, Richard, aut. Cudd, Ann E., aut. Nanda, Meera, aut. Lykke, Nina, aut. Menser, Michael, aut. Aronowitz, Stanely, aut. Goodeve, Thyrza Nichols, aut. Gray, Chris Hables, aut. Barad, Karen, aut. Latour, Bruno, aut. Bloor, David, aut. Daston, Lorraine, aut. Lloyd, Elisabeth, aut. Bhavnani, Kum-Kum, aut. Megill, Allan, aut. Levins, Richard, Singleton, Vicky. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2002.

Anotácia:  "Feminist Epistemology", in A Companion to Epistemology
"Feminist Epistemology", in The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology
"Feminist Philosophy of Science", in The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science
"Is a Feminist Science Possible?", Introduction to Love, Power and Knowledge: Toward a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences
"Varieties of Epistemology/' and "Feminism and 'Malestream' Epistemology", in An Introduction to Feminist Epistemologies
"The Origin, History, and Politics of the Subject Called 'Gender and Science"', in Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
"Against Epistemological Chasms: The Science Question in Feminism Revisited", Signs 26
"Comment on Walby's ,Against Epistemological Chasms: The Science Question in Feminism Revisited': Can Democratic Values and Interests Ever Play a Rationally Justifiable Role in the Evaluation of Scientific Work?", Signs 26
"Feminist Epistemology - An Impossible Project?", Radical Philosophy 53
"Auspicating Gendet', in Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrells with Science
Starting off Research from Women's Lives
"The Feminist Standpoint: Developing the Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism", in The Feminist Standpoint Revisited and Other Essays
"Feminist Standpoint Theory", in Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?
Thinking from Women's Lives
"Hand, Brain and Heart: A Feminist Epistemology for the Natural Sciences", Signs 9
"Thinking and Caring: Feminism's Construction of a Responsible Rationality', in Love, Power and Knowledge
"III: The Standpoint of the Proletariat", in History and Class Consciousness
"Truth and Method: Standpoint Theory Revisited", Signs 22
"Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is 'Strong Objectivity'?" in Femimst Epistemologies
"Feminist Standpoint, Discourse, and Authority: From Women's Lives to Ideology Critique", in Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse
"Strange Standpoints: Or, How to Define the Situation for Situated Knowledge"
"The Virtues of Feminist Empiricism", Hypatia 9
"Feminist Empiricism", in An Introduction to Feminist Epistemologies
"Empiricism and Feminist Science Criticism" and "Who Knows" in Who Knows: From Quine to a Feminist Empiricism
Empiricism without Dogmas, in Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science
"Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Values in Science: Rethinking Dichotomy', in Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science
"Subjects, Power and Knowledge: Description and Prescription in Feminist Philosophies of Science", in Feminist Epistemologies
"Taking Social Studies of Science Seriously', in The Fate of Knowledge
"My Enemy's Enemy IsŚ Only Perhaps Ś My Friend", in Science Wars
"Feminism and the Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge", in Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science
"Introduction: Emerging Principles in Social Studies of Science", in Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Studies of Science
"Laboratory Studies: The Cultural Approach to The Study of Science", in Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
"When Harry Met Sandra: An Alternative Engagement after the Science Wars", Science as Culture 7
"Beginnings: Knowledges/Foci", in Worlds of Knowing: Global Feminist Epistemologies
"The Social Construction of Black Feminist Thought", Signs 14
"Postmodernism, 'Realism', and the Politics of Identity", in: Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures
"Marginality and Epistemic Privilege", in Feminist Epistemologies
"How to Think Globally: Stretching the Limits of Imagination", in: Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World
"Locating Traitorous Identities: Toward a View of Privileged-Cognizant White Character", in Decentering the Center
"What Should White People Do?", in Decentering the Center
"La consciencia de la Mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness", Feminism and ,Race'

English keywords: Feminist epistemology - an oxymoron?; Feminist standpoint theory; Feminist empiricism and empirical epistemology; Sociology of knowledge; Science and postcolonial perspectives; The truth is not out there; Science, objectivity and engaged vision; Final discussion, science and engaged vision
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4996 voľná

Klasifikácia: 05.2
- Armitage, Michele A. - Bourque, Susan C. - Cleveland, Jeanette N. - Ferber, Marianne A. - Gruber, James E. - Hanisch, Kathy A. - Kanter, Rosabeth Moss - Maniero, Lisa A. - Martin, Patricia Yancey - Offermann, Lynn R. - Poleszczuk, Anna Giza - Warren, Kay B. - Wiliams, Christine L. - Winkler, Anne E. - Witz, Anne - Einhorn, Barbara - Cockburn, Cynthia - Grauerholz, Elizabeth - Smith, Michael - Kirkup, Gail - Achterberg, Jeanne - Szalai, Julia - Kauppinen-Toropainen, Kaisa - Kovacs, Katalin - Mcnamara, Kathleen - Sanderson, Kay - Savage, Mike - Marody, Mira - Varadi, Monika - OECD - Crompton, Rosemary - Bradley, Harriet - Kay, Rebecca - Pinnick, Kathryn - Blau, Francine D. - Brandt, Barbara - Bridger, Sue - Achterberg, Jeanne - Elson, Diane - Folbre, Nancy - Wajcman, Judy - Walby, Sylvia - Waring, Marilyn - Steeves, Leslie H. - Fuchs-Epstein, Cynthia - Safilios-Rothschild, Constantina - Benokraitis, Nijole V.

Women in professions: The pleasure and costs of success : Winter term 2000/2001. / zost. Blagojević, Marina; aut. Armitage, Michele A., aut. Bourque, Susan C., aut. Cleveland, Jeanette N., aut. Ferber, Marianne A., aut. Gruber, James E., aut. Hanisch, Kathy A., aut. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, aut. Maniero, Lisa A., aut. Martin, Patricia Yancey, aut. Offermann, Lynn R., aut. Poleszczuk, Anna Giza, aut. Warren, Kay B., aut. Wiliams, Christine L., aut. Winkler, Anne E., aut. Witz, Anne, aut. Einhorn, Barbara, aut. Cockburn, Cynthia, aut. Grauerholz, Elizabeth, aut. Smith, Michael, aut. Kirkup, Gail, aut. Achterberg, Jeanne, aut. Szalai, Julia, aut. Kauppinen-Toropainen, Kaisa, aut. Kovacs, Katalin, aut. Mcnamara, Kathleen, aut. Sanderson, Kay, aut. Savage, Mike, aut. Marody, Mira, aut. Varadi, Monika, aut. OECD, aut. Crompton, Rosemary, aut. Bradley, Harriet , aut. Kay, Rebecca, aut. Pinnick, Kathryn, aut. Blau, Francine D., aut. Brandt, Barbara, aut. Bridger, Sue, aut. Achterberg, Jeanne, aut. Elson, Diane, aut. Folbre, Nancy, aut. Wajcman, Judy, aut. Walby, Sylvia, aut. Waring, Marilyn, aut. Steeves, Leslie H., aut. Fuchs-Epstein, Cynthia, aut. Safilios-Rothschild, Constantina, aut. Benokraitis, Nijole V. . - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2000.

Anotácia:  1. Why do professions matter? (Sociological Perspective)
- Theorizing Change: Class, Gender and Power
- Changes in Social structure: Change in self
2. Theoretical Approaches
- Towards a New Theory of Patriarchy
- A Post-Industrial Proletariat? Class, Change and Identity
3. Labor Market: International Perspective
- A Woman's Reckoning: An Introduction to the international Economic System
- Recent Development in the Labor Market: Their Impact on Women and Men
- The View from the 1990s: How The Global Economy is Reshaping Corporate Power and Careers
- Sex Discrimination in the 21 st Century
4. Occupational Segregation and Discrimination
- Occupational segregation
- Sex Discrimination in the 21 st Century
5. Women's Professions and Women Changing Professions
- Reformed Hospital Nursing: Discipline and Cleanliness
- Women as Health-Care Provider: Realities of the Marketplace
- Feminist Practice in Organizations Implications for Management
- Gender and Mass Communication in a Global Context
- Secretarial occupation: The Impact of Technological and Organizational Change
- Introduction and Overview (OECD)
- Fate of the Wise Women
6 . Gendered Hierarchies in Organizations
- The Gender of Organizations
- Women's expertise, men's authority: organization and the contemporary middle
- The View from the 1990s: How The Global Economy is Reshaping Corporate Power and Careers
7.Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment Types and Severity: Linking Research and policy
- Sexual Harassment in the Academy: The Case of Women Professors
- Understanding Sexual Harassment: Contributions From Research on Domestic Violence and organizational Change
8. Romantic Relationships at Work
- Dangerous Liaisons? A Review of Current Issues Concerning Male and Female Romantic Relationship in the Work place
9. Gender, Science, Power and Technology
- Feminist Critique of Science and Technology
- Technologyas masculine Culture
- Technology, production and Power
- Access Is Not Enough: Gender Perspectives on Technology and Education
- The social construction of computers: Hammers or Harpsichords?
10.Professional Women in Post-Communist Countries
- Right or Duty? Women and the Economy
- From Informal Labor to Paid Occupations: Marketization from bellow in Hungarian Women's Work
- Changing Images of Identity in Poland: From the Self-Sacrificing to the Self-Investing Women?
- Women and Business
- Sexual Exploatation and the New Labor Market
11.Costs and Pleasures of Sucess
- Stress and the Woman Manager: Sources, Health Outcomes and Interventions
- Women's Life Trajectories and Class Formation in Hungary
- The unresolved and unresovable affective dilemmas of career women
- An Integrated Framework for Studying the Outcomes of Sexual Harassment: Consequences for Individuals and Organizations
12.Exits, Alternatives???
- Beyond Economic Addiction: Making Choices That Empower
- From Survival Strategies to Transformation Strategies Women's Needs and Structural Adjustment
- Policies to Balance Paid Work and Family
- Feminization & Globalization

English keywords: Labor market: International perspective; Occupational segregation and discrimination; Womenďs professions and women changing professions; Gendered hierarchies in organizations; Sexual harassment; Romantic relationships at work; Gender, science, power and technology; Professional women in post-communist countries; Costs and pleasures of sucess
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4999 voľná

Klasifikácia: 03.3.2
Walby, Sylvia

Globalization and Inequalities : Complexity and Contested Modernity. / aut. Walby, Sylvia. - 1. vyd. - London; California; New Delhi; Singapore : Sage Publication, 2009. - 508 p.

ISBN 978-0-9039-8518-6

Anotácia:  OBSAH
What is Progress?
Multiple Complex Inequalities
Modernity? Postmodernity? Not yet Modern? Varietes of Modernity?
Complexity Theory
Multiple Inequalities and Intersectionality
Regimes and Domains
System and its Enviroment: Over-Lapping, Non-Saturating, Non-Nested Systems
Societalization and Socialization
Bodies, Technologies and the Social
Path Dependency
Coevolution of Complex Adaptive Systems in Changing Fitness Landscapes
Redefining the Economy
From Premodern to Modern: The Second Great Transformation
Global Process and Economic Inequalities
Variates of Political Economy
Econceptualizing Types of Polities
Polities Overlap and do not Politically Saturate Theory
Developing Onthology of Violence
Modernity and Violence
Path Dependency in Trajectrories of Violence
Theorizing Civil Society
Modernity and Civil Society
Global Civil Societies and Waves
Beyond Class Regimes
Gender Regimes
Ethnic Regimes
Further Regimes
Further Regimes of Complex Inequality
Intersecting Regimes of Complex Inequality
Neoliberal and Social Democratic Varieties of Modernity
Path Dependency at the Economy/Polity Nexus
Path Dependency at the Violence Nexus
Gender Regime
Democracy and Inequality
Appendix: Data Sources
Economic Developmet
Human Rights
Human Development, Well-Being and Capabilities
Key Indicator Sets: What Indicators? What Underlying Concepts of Progress
Extending the Frameworks and Indicators of Progress: Where do Enviromental Sustainibility and Violece Fit?
The Achievement of Visions of Progress: Comparing Neoliberalism and Social Democracy
Political Economy
Gender Transformations: The Emergence of Employed Women as the New Champions of Social Democracy
Dampeners and Catalyst of Economic Growth: War and Gender Regime Transformations
Financial and Economic Crisis 2007-2009
Contesting Hegemons and the Future of the World
The Cahllenge of Complex Inequalities and Globalization to Social Theory

Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5525 voľná

Walby, Sylvia

. / aut. Walby, Sylvia.

Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra:

Klasifikácia: 04.4.4
- Bacchi, Carol - Bustelo , Maria - Jalušić, Vlasta - Marx Ferree, Myra - Rönnblom, Malin - True, Jacqui - van der Vleuten, Anna - Walby, Sylvia

The Discoursive Politics of Gender Equality : Stretching, bending and policymaking. / EDS Lombardo, Emanuela; EDS Meier, Petra, EDS Verloo, Mieke, aut. Bacchi, Carol, aut. Bustelo , Maria, aut. Jalušić, Vlasta, aut. Marx Ferree, Myra, aut. Rönnblom, Malin, aut. True, Jacqui, aut. van der Vleuten, Anna, aut. Walby, Sylvia. - 1. vyd. - New York - London : Routledge, 2009. - 217 s.

ISBN 0-415-46935-X

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
1 Stretching and bending gender equality: a discursive politics approach (Emanuela Lombardo, Petra Meier and Mike Verloo)
2 The issue of intentionality in frame theory: the need for reflexive framing (Carol Bacchi)
3 Beyond the politics of location: the power of argument in gender equality politics (Sylvia Walby)
4 Stretching and bending the meaning of gender in equality politics (Vlasta Jališič)
5 Stretching gender equality to other inequalities: political intersectionality in European gender equality policies (Emanuela Lombardo and Mieke Verloo)
6 Inequality, intrersecionalitry and the politics of discourse: framing feminist alliances (Myra Marx Ferree)
7 Bending towards growth: dicoursive constructions of gender equality in an era of governance and neoliberalism (Malin Rönnblom)
8 Trading-in gender equality: gendered meanings in EU trade policy (Jacqui True)
9 Stretching, bending and inconsistency in policy frames on gender equality: discursive windows of opportunity (Emanuela Lombardo and Petra Meier)
10 Grounding policy evaluation in a discursive understanding of politics (María Bustelo and Mieke Verloo)
11 The discursive logic of rankung and benchmarking: understanding gender equality measures in the European Unioun (Mieke Verloo and Anna van der Vleuten)
12 Conclusions: a critical understanding of the discursive politics of gender equality (Emanuela Lombardo, Petra Meier and Mieke Verloo)
Kľúčové slová : politická nerovnosť; politické štúdiá; diskriminácia; diskriminácia na základe pohlavia

English keywords: political inequality; policy study; discrimination; sex - discrimination
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Zakúpené vďaka podpore MAMA CASH
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5537 voľná

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