Klasifikácia: 02.2.9
- de Pizan, Christine - de Jars de Gournay, Marie - Cavendish, Margaret - Finch Conway, Anne - Gouges, Olympe de - Wollstonecraft, Mary - Châtelet, Gabrielle-Emilie du - Germain, Sophie - Taylor-Mill, Harriet - Gilman, Charlotte Perkins - Conrad-Martius, Hedwig - Stein, Edith - Weil, Simone - Beauvoir, Simone de - Arendt, Hannah

Klassische philosophische Texte von Frauen. / Edit. Hagengruber, Ruth; aut. de Pizan, Christine, aut. de Jars de Gournay, Marie, aut. Cavendish, Margaret, aut. Finch Conway, Anne, aut. Gouges, Olympe de, aut. Wollstonecraft, Mary, aut. Châtelet, Gabrielle-Emilie du, aut. Germain, Sophie, aut. Taylor-Mill, Harriet, aut. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, aut. Conrad-Martius, Hedwig, aut. Stein, Edith, aut. Weil, Simone, aut. Beauvoir, Simone de, aut. Arendt, Hannah. - München : DTV, 1998. - 216 s.

ISBN 3-423-30652-1

Anotácia:  texty:
Christine de Pizan - Marie de Jars de Gournay - Margaret Cavendish - Anne Finch Conway - Olympe de Gouges - Mary Wollstonecraft - Emilie du Chatelet - Sophie Germain - Harriett Taylor-Mill - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Hedwig Conrad-Martius - Edith Stein - Simone Weil - Simone de Beauvoir - Hannah Arendt
Kľúčové slová : filozofia; feminizmus

English keywords: philosophy; feminism
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2042 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.1
Wollstonecraft, Mary

Ein Plädoyer für die Rechte der Frau. / Wollstonecraft, Mary; Prekl. Hölscher, Irmgard, ADO Sichtermann, Barbara. - Weimar : Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1999. - 310 s.

ISBN 3-7400-1108-4

Anotácia:  Obsah:
Rechte und Pflichten des Menschen
Erörterung des Geschlechtscharakters
Fortsetzung des Themas
Bemerkungen über einige Ursachen für die Erniedrigung der Frau
Kritik an den Gelehrten, die Frauen zum Gegenstand des Mitleids oder gar der Verachtung gemacht haben
Die Auswirkungen einer frühen Verknüpfung von Vorstellungen auf den Charakter
Sittsamkeit, Keuschheit und Bescheidenheit als allgemeine und nicht nur als weibliche Tugenden
Der gute Ruf seine Bedeutung für das weibliche Geschlecht und seine schädlichen Auswirkungen auf die Sittlichkeit
Über die verderblichen Folgen unnatürlicher Standesunterschiede
Über die öffentliche Erziehung
Einige Beispiele für die Torheit, zu der Unwissenheit der Frauen führt, sowie abschließende Überlegungen zu den moralischen Folgen einer Revolution der weiblichen Sitten
Kľúčové slová : 01.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2508 požičaná

Klasifikácia: 01.1
Wollstonecraft, Mary

The Rights of Woman. / Wollstonecraft, Mary. - New York : J. M. Dent and Sons, .

Anotácia:  Contents:
Rights of Woman - Mary Wollstonecraft
On the Subjection of Women - John Suart Mill
X044 - xerox, nezviazané založené medzi xeroxami
Kľúčové slová : 01.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 689 voľná, X044 voľná

Klasifikácia: 04.2.3

Hlasy žien : Aspekty ženskej politiky. / Edit. Cviková, Jana; Edit. Juráňová, Jana, AUT Woolf, Virginia, AUT Filadelfiová, Jarmila, AUT Havelková, Hana, AUT Wollstonecraft, Mary, AUT Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, AUT Grimké, Sarah, AUT Dohnal, Johanna, AUT Mill, Harriet Taylor, AUT Kasić, Biljana, AUT Gerhard, Ute, AUT Gregorová, Hana, AUT Mikulová, Marcela, AUT Wenk, Silke, AUT Papić, Žarana, AUT Lacinová, Ľubica, AUT Mies, Maria, AUT Joreen, AUT Hofmann-Kubes, Ursula, AUT Rohr-Thürmer, Christina, AUT Kimmel, Michael S., AUT Hoagland, Sarah Lucia, AUT Horney, Karen, AUT Miller, Alice Durer, AUT Paleček, Martin, AUT Gornic, Vivian, AUT Dillon, Robin S., AUT Howe, Marie Jenney. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Aspekt, 2002. - 475 s.

ISBN 80-85549-30-1

Anotácia:  Virginia Woolf
Jarmila Filadelfiová: O ženách, moci a politike: úvahy, fakty, súvislosti
Sarah Grimké
Hana Havelková: Politická reprezentace žen v České republice
Mirek Vodrážka
II. Volebné právo
Volebné právo žien
Virginia Woolf
Mary Wollstencraft
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Z prejavu predneseného pred Zákonodarným zborom štátu New York v roku 1860
Sarah Grimké
Jana Juráňová: Chceme svoj hlas!
Johanna Dohnal
Harriet Taylor Mill
Jana Cviková: Olympe de Gouges: Deklarácia práv ženy a občianky
Ute Gerhard: Občianske právo a spoločnosť
Hana Gregorová: "Služby ženy na národnom poli"
III. Obrazy
Marcela Mikulová: Ženy a národ na prelome 19. a 20. storočia
Virginia Woolf
Silke Wenk: Obrazy ženskosti ako symboly štátu
Biljana Kašič
Žarana Papic
IV. Osobné a politické
Tvorba vedomia prostredníctvom zákonov. Rozhovor s Johannou Dohnal
Diplomatka je aj taška pre diplomatov, nie? Rozhovor s Magdou Vášaryovou
Ľubica Lacinová: Politické a osobné Petry Kelly
Ženy ako občianky. Rozhovor s Hertou Nagl Docekal
Neupadám do depresie. Rozhovor s Vandanou Shivou
Maria Mies
V. Verejné a súkromné
Maria Mies: Kolonizování a domestifikace žen
Joreen: Tyrania bezštruktúrnosti
Ursula Kubes-Hofmann: Kariéry a bariéry
Mirek Vodrážka
Z diskusného fóra zeny@list.changenet.sk
Frances Olsen: Rodina a trh: ideológia a právna reforma
Herta Nagl Docekal: Prečo feminizmus
VI. City a štruktúry
Christina Thürmer-Rohr: Zakázaná nenávisť
Luisa Muraro: Láska ako politická prax
Michael S. Kimmel: Mali by/môžu/budú muži podporovať feminizmus?
Sarah Lucia Hoagland: Morálna revolúcia: od antagonizmu k spolupráci
Karen Horney: Nedôvera medzi pohlaviami
Martin Paleček: Muž a žena: otázky přirozenosti
Sarah Grimké
Alice Duer Miller: Prečo nechceme, aby muži volili
Marie Jenney Howe: Monológ proti volebnému právu žien
Vivian S. Dillon: K feministickej koncepcii sebaúcty
Kľúčové slová : 04.2.3
Poznámka:  2854 prezenčne, iné absenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 2853 požičaná, 2854 voľná, 3213 voľná, 3586 voľná, 4074 voľná, 3057 voľná

Klasifikácia: 05.3.2
- Aurelius, Marcus - Bauman, Zygmunt - Boswell, John - Brown, Peter - Cantarella, Eva - Deleuze, Gilles - Derrida, Jacques - Doueihi, Milad - Duby, Georges - Foucault, Michel - Frears, Stephen - Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Jameson, Frederic - Kamuf, Peggy - Kristeva, Julia - Man, Paul de - Nancy, Jean-Luc - Parnet, Claire - Pomeroy, Sarah B. - Rothwell, Kenneth S. - Shakespeare, William - Wollstonecraft, Mary

Philosophy of marriage and subjectivation of women. / zost. Arsić, Branka; aut. Aurelius, Marcus, aut. Bauman, Zygmunt, aut. Boswell, John, aut. Brown, Peter, aut. Cantarella, Eva, aut. Deleuze, Gilles, aut. Derrida, Jacques, aut. Doueihi, Milad, aut. Duby, Georges, aut. Foucault, Michel, aut. Frears, Stephen, aut. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, aut. Jameson, Frederic, aut. Kamuf, Peggy, aut. Kristeva, Julia, aut. Man, Paul de, aut. Nancy, Jean-Luc, aut. Parnet, Claire, aut. Pomeroy, Sarah B., aut. Rothwell, Kenneth S., aut. Shakespeare, William, aut. Wollstonecraft, Mary. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, .

Anotácia:  1. A Perverse History of the Human Heart
2. Allegories of Reading, Part II, Rousseau: Promises, Excuses
4. Bisexuality in the Ancient World,
6. Dialogues
7. Encyclopedia, Objective Spirit
8. Essays Critical and Clinical
9. Fictions of Feminine Desire
10. Glass
11. Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves
12. Hamlet
13. Hamlet's "Glas of Fashion": Power, Self and the Reformation
14. Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality
15. Inoperative Community
16. Life in Fragments, Essays in Postmodern Morality
17. Love and Marriage
18. Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages
19. Meditations
20. On Sexual Production of Western subjectivity, or Saint Augustine as a Social Democrat
21. Private Life in Classical Athens
22. Signature, Pieces
23. Spurs
24. Tales of Love
25. The Body and society
26. The Care of the Self
27. The Sense of the World
28. The Use of Pleasure
29. Vindication of the Rights of Woman
30. Women of the Twelfth Century
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 5003 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.2.2
- Oakley, Ann - Gatens, Moira - Andreson, Bonnie - Beauvoir, Simone de - Laqueur, Thomas - Lloyd, Genevieve - Lorber, Judit - Scott, Joan W. - Idem - Wollstonecraft, Mary - Scott, Joan - Guy-Steftall, Beverly - Truth, Sojourner - Mill, John S. - Haan, Francisca de - Spender, Dale - Gordon, Lyndall - Todd, Janet - Yeo, Eileen - Tomalin, Claire - Giddens, Paula - Sklar, Kish K. - Rupp, Leila - Zimmermann, Susan - Sinha, Mrinalini - Guy, Donna J. - Woollacott, Angela - Ehrick, Christine - Anderson, Bonnie - Rossi, Alice S. - Hartmann, Heidi - Rubin, Gayle - Barrett, Michele - Nicholson, Linda - Kaplan, Cora - Zetkin, Klara - Kollontai, Klara - Kiczková, Zuzana - Farkašová, Etela - Zdravomyslova, Elena - Temkina, Anna - Firestone, Shulamith - MacKinnon, Catherine A. - Allen, Jeffner - Frye, Marilyn - Witting, Monique - Rich, Adrienne - Goscilo, Helena - Segal, Lynne - Vance, Carole S. - Cornell, Drucilla - Dworkin, Andrea - Ware, Vron - Mohanty, Talpade Ch. - Spivak, Gayatri Ch. - Ghost, Durba - Keenan, Deirdre - Loomba, Ania - Connel, R. W. - Kimmel, Michael - Creech, James - Gardiner, Judith K. - Nussbaum, Martha - Phillips, Ann - Funk, Nanette - Okin, Susan M. - Smith, Patricia - Cudd, Ann - Alcoff, Linda - Young, Iris M. - Brown, Wendy - Sa'ar, Amalia - Gillis, Stacy - Munford, Rebecca - Eisenstein, Zillah - Renne, Tanya - Moghadam, Valentine - Mann, Susan A. - Huffman, Douglas J. - Afshar, Haleh - Azzam, Maha - Jaggar, Alisson - Acker, Joan - Directive 2002/7 - Friedan, Betty - Heywood, Leslie - Drake, Jennifer - Lorde, Audre - Portuges, Catherine - Shulman, Alex K. - Walker, Alice - Walker, Rebecca

Foundations in Gender Studies I: Histories, Theories, Futures : Vol. 1. & Vol. 2. / zost. Haan, Francisca de; aut. Oakley, Ann, aut. Gatens, Moira, aut. Andreson, Bonnie, aut. Beauvoir, Simone de, aut. Laqueur, Thomas, aut. Lloyd, Genevieve, aut. Lorber, Judit, aut. Scott, Joan W., aut. Idem, aut. Wollstonecraft, Mary, aut. Scott, Joan, aut. Guy-Steftall, Beverly, aut. Truth, Sojourner, aut. Mill, John S., aut. Haan, Francisca de, aut. Spender, Dale, aut. Gordon, Lyndall, aut. Todd, Janet, aut. Yeo, Eileen, aut. Tomalin, Claire, aut. Giddens, Paula, aut. Sklar, Kish K., aut. Rupp, Leila, aut. Zimmermann, Susan, aut. Sinha, Mrinalini, aut. Guy, Donna J., aut. Woollacott, Angela, aut. Ehrick, Christine, aut. Anderson, Bonnie, aut. Rossi, Alice S., aut. Hartmann, Heidi, aut. Rubin, Gayle, aut. Barrett, Michele, aut. Nicholson, Linda, aut. Kaplan, Cora, aut. Zetkin, Klara, aut. Kollontai, Klara, aut. Kiczková, Zuzana, aut. Farkašová, Etela, aut. Zdravomyslova, Elena, aut. Temkina, Anna, aut. Firestone, Shulamith, aut. MacKinnon, Catherine A., aut. Allen, Jeffner, aut. Frye, Marilyn, aut. Witting, Monique, aut. Rich, Adrienne, aut. Goscilo, Helena, aut. Segal, Lynne, aut. Vance, Carole S., aut. Cornell, Drucilla, aut. Dworkin, Andrea, aut. Ware, Vron, aut. Mohanty, Talpade Ch., aut. Spivak, Gayatri Ch., aut. Ghost, Durba, aut. Keenan, Deirdre, aut. Loomba, Ania, aut. Connel, R. W., aut. Kimmel, Michael, aut. Creech, James, aut. Gardiner, Judith K., aut. Nussbaum, Martha, aut. Phillips, Ann, aut. Funk, Nanette, aut. Okin, Susan M., aut. Smith, Patricia, aut. Cudd, Ann, aut. Alcoff, Linda, aut. Young, Iris M., aut. Brown, Wendy, aut. Sa'ar, Amalia, aut. Gillis, Stacy, aut. Munford, Rebecca, aut. Eisenstein, Zillah, aut. Renne, Tanya, aut. Moghadam, Valentine, aut. Mann, Susan A., aut. Huffman, Douglas J., aut. Afshar, Haleh, aut. Azzam, Maha, aut. Jaggar, Alisson, aut. Acker, Joan, aut. Directive 2002/7, aut. Friedan, Betty, aut. Heywood, Leslie, aut. Drake, Jennifer, aut. Lorde, Audre, aut. Portuges, Catherine, aut. Shulman, Alex K., aut. Walker, Alice, aut. Walker, Rebecca. - 1. vyd. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007.

Anotácia:  PART 1 (sig. 6227)
- Sex, Gender, and Society
- Imaginary Bodies. Ethics, Power and corporeality
- Joyous Greetings. The First International Women's Movement
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
- 'A Woman Who Only Has Paradoxes to Offer': Olympe de Gouges Claims Rights for Women
- The Evolution of Feminist Consciousness Among African American Women
- "Woman's Rights" [1851] and "When Woman Gets Her Rights Man Will be Right" [1867]
- The Subjection of Women
- A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms
- Worlds of Women. The Making of an International Women's Movement
- The Challenge of Multinational Empire for the International Women's Movement: The Habsburg Monarchy and the Development of Feminist Inter/National Politics
- Introduction: Why Feminism and Internationalism?
- Madrinas and Missionaries: Uruguay and the Pan-American Women's Movement
- Working-Class Socialist: August Bebel (1840-1913)," and abstracts from Bebel's Woman and Socialism (originally: Die Frau und der Sozialismus, 1879)
- A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms
- The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism. Towards a More Progressive Union
- The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economyĺ of Sex
- Capitalism and Women's Liberation
- The Emancipation of Women: A Concept that Failed
- Gendered Citizenship in Soviet and Post-Soviet Societies
- Dialectics of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution
- Sex Equality: Difference and Dominance
- Motherhood: The Annihilation of Women
- Some Reflections on Separatism and Power
- One is not Born a Woman
- Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
PART 2 (sig. 6228)
- Sexuality
- New Members and Organs: The Politics of Porn
- Does Pornography Cause Violence? The Search for Evidence
- Pleasure and Danger: Towards a politics of Sexuality
- Beyond the Pale. White Women, Racism, and History part 1: "The White Woman's Burden? Race and Gender in Historical Memory
- Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse.
- Can the Subaltern Speak?
- Masculinities: (Chapter 1: The Science of Masculinity; Chapter 3: The Social Organization of Masculinity)
- The Feminist Critique of Liberalism
- Feminism and Liberalism Revisited: Has Martha Nussbaum got it right
- Feminist Critiques of Liberalism: Can They Travel East? Their Relevance in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
- John Rawls: Justice as Fairness ľ For Whom?
- Cultural Feminism versus Poststructuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory
- Social Movements and the Politics of Difference
- Genealogies and Generations: the politics and praxis of third wave feminism
- Feminisms from elsewheres
- The Future is Feminist: An Interview with Five Young Romanian Women
- Islamic Feminism and its Discontents: Toward a Resolution of the Debate
Poznámka:  prezenčne, dar čitateľky
Sig. 6227 - Vol. 1.
Sig. 6228 - Vol. 2.
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6227 voľná, 6228 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01
Wollstonecraft, Mary - Mill, John Stuart

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman / The Subjection of Women . / aut. Wollstonecraft, Mary; aut. Mill, John Stuart . - 2. vyd. - Bungay : Everyman´s Library, 1982. - 316 s.

ISBN 0 460 01825 6

Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6479 voľná

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