Klasifikácia: 01.2.1

Sexual Difference : A Theory of Social-Symbolic Practice. / Edit. De Lauretis, Teresa; Prekl. Cicogna, Patricia. - 1. vyd. - Bloomington and Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 1990. - 154 s.

ISBN 0-253-33826-3

Anotácia:  Contents:
The Practice of Sexual Difference and Feminist Thought in Italy: An Introductory Essay (Theresa de Laurentis)
I. The first groups: Deman and Rivolta femminile
Autocoscienza, the first invention of feminist politics
Look at yourself and change
In search of concepts: our meetings with the French women
The practice of the unconscious
The meeting at Pinarella
A politics which was not called politics
II. The old problem of abortion
Decriminalization, a proposal which was not heeded
Laws that are supposed to be equal for all but in fact are not
How the law on rape
III. The practice of doing
Against ideological feminism
The Milan Bookstore and the Parma Library
Two memorable disasters: the Col di Lana center and Paestum Conference
New perspective in the thinking of women who attend adult educational classes
IV. From womenďs literature, the first figures of freedom
The green Sottosopra
Within the horizon of sexual defference
Taking care of qualitative differences
Doing justice starting with oneself
Survival or freedom
Kľúčové slová : 01.2.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 3206 voľná

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