Klasifikácia: 04.4.4
European Commission

Gender equality in the European Union : Examples of good practices (1996-2000). / aut. European Commission; aut. úv. Quintin, Odile. - 1. vyd. - Luxembursko : Office for Official publications of the European Communities, 2000. - 53 s.

ISBN 92-828-9627-7

Anotácia:  Contents:
1. Integrating a Gender Dimension into All Levels of Policy-Making
2. Trade Unions, Empoyers and Employer Organisations Advance New Models of Gender Equality
3. NGO Networks Address Gender Equality
Projekty, partneri
Kľúčové slová : 04.4.4
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (príručka) Signatúra: 3205 voľná

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