
The Heart of the Matter : The Contribution of the Ethic of Care Social Policy in Some New EU Member States. / Edit. Sevenhuijsen, Selma; Edit. Švab, Alenka, Edit. Pajnik, Monika, Edit. Milohnić, Aldo, GRU Wölle, Irena. - Ljubljana : Mirovni Inštitut, 2004. - 146 s.

ISBN 961-6455-29-X

Anotácia:  Contents:
Introduction Tracing Care in Social Policies
Trace: A Method for Normative Policy Analysis from the Ethic of Care
Caring about Family and Work: The Concept of Reconciliation of Family and Work in Slovenian Family Policy
Care in Hungarian Human Resources Policy
The Contested Site of Human Nature: Applying Trace to the Strategic Action Plan of the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, 2000-2010
The COncept of Equal Opportunities for WOmen and Men, or How to Care for Equal Opportunities
Tracing the Act on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men - The Case of Slovenia
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Dar - Mirovni Inštitut, apríl 2006, Lubka Workshop "New Politics Movements & Practices"
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4028 voľná

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