Klasifikácia: 03.3.3
Blanc, Eric

Red State revolt : the teachers' strike wave and working-class politics. / aut. Blanc, Eric. - 1. vydanie - London : Verso, 2019. - 212 pages, 20 cm, - (Jacobin series)

ISBN 9781788735742

Anotácia:  "An indispensable window into the changing shape of the American working class and American politics After nearly four decades of labour quiescence, the US was hit by a wave of strikes in early 2018. Educators in Oklahoma, Arizona and beyond walked off their jobs to demand increased school funding and better pay. Confounding all expectations, these actions erupted in Republican-dominated states with weak unions, bans on public sector strikes, and electorates that voted for Trump in 2016. With similar movements now emerging in California, Colorado, North Carolina, and Massachusetts, there is no sign that this upsurge will be short-lived. Red State Revolt is a compelling analysis of the emergence and development of this historic strike wave written with an eye to extracting its main strategic lessons for educators, labour activists, and radicals across the country"--
Kľúčové slová : Strikes and lockouts; Collective bargaining; Teachers; Education and state; Educational change
Poznámka:  s podporou MSSR 11/2021
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6676 voľná

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