Klasifikácia: 01.2.1

Women: Images and Realities : A Multicultural Anthology. / Edit. Kesselman, Amy; Edit. McNair, Lily D., Edit. Schniedewind, Nancy. - Mountain View - London - Toronto : Mayfield, 1995. - 488 s.

ISBN 1-55934-117-3

Anotácia:  autorky a autori: Teresa Amott and Julie Matthaei - Margaret L. Anderson - Gloria Anzaldua - Toni Cade Bambara - Lee Anne Bell - Aishe Berger - Beth Brant - Meredith L. Brown - Susan Brownmiller and Dolores Alexander - Charlotte Bunch - Norma J. Burgess - Peg Byron - Julie Carter - Ellen Cassidy and Karen Nussbaum - Carrie Castro - Wendy Chapkis - Alice Childress - Chrystos - Lucille Clifton - Patricia Hill Collins - Connecticut State Legislature - Ellen Davidson - Angela Davis - Lisa Deboer - Linda Delgado - Athena Devlin - Terry Dezzo - Ruth Dreamdigger - Diane Dujon, Judy Gradford and Dottie Stevens - Susan Faludi - Feminst Majority Foundation - Luana Ferreira - Betty Friedan - Marilyn Frye - Lindsey van Gelder - Christina Glendenning - Nancy Henley and Jo Freeman - Alma M. Garcia - Jewelle Gomez - Lois Gould - Folami Harris-Gray - Susan Griffin - Michelle Harrison - Linda Hogan - Bell Hooks - Diane Hugs - Maureen Ismay - June Jordan - Debra Kent - Anne Koedt - Deborah Halstead Lennon - Inés Hernandez-Avila - Ruth Hubbard - Danista Hunte - Paula Kamen - Montana Katz - Amy Kesselman - Kathryn Kolbert - Susan Lehrer - Zoe Leonard - Naomi Littlebear - Audre Lorde - Pat Mainardi of Redstockings - Cynthia Marano - Donna Marquardt - Del Martin - Peggy McIntosh - Bernice Mennis - Barbara Meyerhof - Krisitian Miccio - Muriel Minard - Janice Mirikitani - Barbara Neely - New York State Task Force of Women in the Courts - Now Legal Defense and Education Fund - Older Womenďs League - Barbara Omolade - Susan Pharr - Marge Pierce - Minnie Bruce Pratt - Anna Marie Quevedo - Virginia Reath - Adrienne Rich -Cynthia Rich - Helen Rodriguez-Trias - Taly Rutenberg - Myra Sadker and David Sadker - Sonia Sanchez - Katie Sarachild - Susan Schnur - Vicki Sears - The Seneca Falls Womenďs Rights Convention - Ntozake Shange - Kate Shanley - Alix Kates Shulman - July Siebecker - Leslie Marmon Silko - Judy D. Simmons - Agnes Smedley - Barbara Smith - Sally Steenland - Sharon R. Thompson - Carla Trujillo - Sojourner Truth - Blanca Vázquez - Helena María Viramontes - Alice Walker - Rebecca Waker - Lila A. Wallis and Perri Klass - Robin Warshaw - Mary Helen Washington - Anne Waters - Laura Wells - Naomi Weisstein - Paulette Childress White - Ellen Willis - Women of ACE - Nellie Wong - Lucita Woodis - Mitsuye Yamada - Hisaye Yamamoto - Stacey G. H. Yap - Barbara Yoshida - Myrne Zambrano
I. What is Women's Studies
II. Becoming a Woman in our Society
III. Gender and Women's Bodies
IV. Institutions That Shape Women's Lives
V. The Differences among us: Divisions and Connections
VI. The Consequences of Sexism: Current Issues
VII. Changing our Lives
VIII. Changing our World
Kľúčové slová : 01.2.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (antológia) Signatúra: 1650 voľná

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