Rich, Adrienne

Of Woman Born : Motherhood as Experience and Institution. / aut. Rich, Adrienne. - New York : Bantam Books, 1977. - 328 s.

ISBN 0-553-11365-8

Anotácia:  The brilliant, passionate exploration of the joy and pain, the myth and the reality of motherhood.
1. Anger and Tenderness
2. The "Sacred Calling"
3. The Kingdom of the Fathers
4. The Primacy of the Mother
5. The Domestication of Motherhood
6. Hands of Flesh, Hands of Iron
7. Alienated Labor
8. Mother and Son, Woman and Man
9. Motherhood and Daughterhood
10. Violence: The Heart of Maternal Darkness
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Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 178 voľná

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