Klasifikácia: 01.2.1

Issues in Feminism : A First Course in Women's Studies. / Edit. Ruth, Sheila; AUV Tobias, Shiela. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1980. - 593 s.

ISBN 0-395-28691-3

Anotácia:  aj texty:
Bette-Jane Raphael - Joan I. Roberts - Jessie Bernard - Warren Farrell - Marc Feigen Fasteau - Sv. Tomáš Akvinský - Anonymous - H. R. Hays - Emily Toth - Jean Jacques Rousseau - Sigmund Freud - Simone de Beauvoir - Theodora Wells - Dorothy L. Sayers - Martina Horner - Virginia Woolf - Gena Corea - Charlotte J. Frisbie - Lionel Tiger - Sally Slocum - Friedrich Engels - Susan Brownmiller - Genesis - Elizabeth Janeway - Shulamith Firestone - Betty Friedan - Midge Decter - Judith Jarvis Thomson - Susan Griffin - Elyce J. Rotella - Tish Sommers - Rosalyn F. Baxandall - Shirley Raissi Bysiewicz - Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Susan Gluck Mezey - Florence Howe - Renate Bridenthal and Claudia Koonz - Gaye Tuchman - Catherine R. Stimpson - Mary Wollstonecraft - Judith Hole and Ellen Levine - Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Seneca Falls - Susan B. Anthony - Karen Sacks - Emma Goldman - Margaret Sanger - Jo Freeman - Kate Millett - Diane K. Lewis - Charlotte Bunch - Suzanne Jacobitti
I. An Introduction to Women's Studies
Consciousness: Concepts, Images, and Visions
II. The Dynamics of Patriarchy
The Effects of Patriarchy
Images of Women in Patriarchy: The The Male-Identified Woman
IV. Counter Images: Feminist Response
V. Origins and Explanations
Sexism Realized: Women's Lives in Patriarchy
VI. Women's Private Space: Asymmetry Becomes the Double Standard
VII. Discrimination: Institutionalized Asymmetry
VIII. Distortions in Perspective and Understanding: Asymmetry in Abstraction
Women Move
IX. Feminist Activism: Issues and Events
Kľúčové slová : 01.2.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 184 voľná

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