Klasifikácia: 03.1.4
Schornstein, Sherry L.

Domestic Violence and Health Care : What Every Professional Needs to Know. / Schornstein, Sherry L.; Edit. Hendrix, Terry, GRU Harman, Candice. - 1. vyd. - Thousand Oaks/London/New Delhi : Sage Publications, 1997. - 186 s.

ISBN 0-8039-5958-3

Anotácia:  Contents
1. What Is Domestic Violence?
2. Societal Perspectives on Domestic Violence
3. The Dynamics of Abuse
4. The Medical Response
5. Ascertaining the True Cause of Injury and Compliance With Injury ľ Reporting Requirements
6. Safety Issues
7. Prosecution of Domestic Violence Crimes
Kľúčové slová : 03.1.4
Poznámka:  grant Network Library Program - Open Society Institute, Budapest - Violence Against Women, Women's Health and Girls Issues - december 1999
Typ: Kniha - monografia (príručka) Signatúra: 2025 voľná

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