Klasifikácia: 04.5.1

The Women and War Reader. / Edit. Lorentzen, Lois Ann; Edit. Turpin, Jennifer. - New York - London : New York UP, 1998. - 386 s.

ISBN 0-8147-5145-8

Anotácia:  obsah:
I. Theoretical Debates
1. Jennifer Turpin: Many Faces: Women Confronting War
2. Jodi York: The Truth about Women and Peace
3. Darius M. Rejali: After Feminist Analyses of Bosnian Violence
4. April Carter: Should Women Be Soldiers or Pacifists?
II. Nationalism, Victimization, and War Culture
5. V. Spike Peterson: Gendered Nationalism: Reproducing "Us" versus "Them"
6. Cynthia Enloe: All the Men Are in the Militias, All the Women Are Victims: The Politics of Masculinity and Femininity in Nationalist Wars
7. Rhonda Copelon: Surfacing Gender: Reconceptualizing Crimes against Women in Time of War
8. Carolyn Nordstrom: Girls Behind the (Front) Lines
9. Seungsook Moon: Gender, Militarization, and Universal Male Conscription in South Korea
10. Anuradha M. Chenoy: Militarization, Conflict, and Women in South Asia
11. Ninetta Pourou-Kazantzis: Militarism and Cypriot Women
II. Women in the Military and War Complex
12. Francine DďAmico: Feminist Perspectives on Women Warriors
13. Angela Woollacott: Women Munitions Makers, War, and Citizenship
14. Ilene Rose Feinman: Women Warriors/ Women Peacemakers: Will the Real Feministis Please Stand Up!
15. Janet Beilstein: The Expanding Role of Women in United Nations Peacekeeping
16. Uta Klein: War and Gender: What Do We Learn from Isreal?
IV. Resistance Movements in Literature
17. Diana Mulinari: Broken Dreams of Nicaragua
18. Mariana Mora: Zapatismo: Gender, Power, and Social Transformation
19. Monica E. Neugebauer: Domestic Activism and Nationalist Struggle
20. Irene Matthews: Torture as Text
21. Lois Ann Lorentzen: Womenďs Prison Resistance: Testimonios from El Salvador
22. Elaine R. Ognibene: Imagining Peace
V. Motherhood, Parenting, and War
23. Sara Ruddick: "Woman of Peace": A Feminist Construction
24. Nancy Scheper-Hughes: Maternal Thinking and the Politics of War
25. Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović: War, Nationalism, and Mothers in the Former Yugoslavia
26. Lorraine Bayard de Volo: Drafting Motherhood: Maternal Imagery and Organizations in the United States and Nicaragua
27. Malathi de Alwis: Moral Mothers and Stalwart Sons: Readiny Binaries in a Time of War
28. Rela Mazali: Parenting Troops: The Summons to Acquiescence
VI. Peace Culture and Peace Action
29. Betty A. Reardon: Women or Weapons?
30. Harriet Hyman Alonso: Dissension in the Ranks: The New York Branch of WILPF vs. the National Board, 1914-1955
31. Leila J. Rupp: Solidarity and Wartime Violence against Women
32. Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey: Making Connections: Building an East Asia-U.S. Womenďs Network against U. S. Militarism
33. Pamela Collett: Afghan Women in the Peace Process
34. Gila Svirsky: The Impact of Women in Black in Israel
35. Ronil Lentin: Israeli and Palestinian Women Working for Peace
36. Lynne M. Woerhle: Silent or Silenced?
37. Susan R. McKay: The Psychology of Societal Reconstruction and Peace: A Gendered Perspective
kniha z Core Collection on Minortiy Womenďs Issues and Women and Conflict - Open Society Institute, Budapest
Kľúčové slová : 04.5.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2358 voľná

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