Klasifikácia: 01.1.4

Sisterhood is Global : The International Women's Movement Anthology. / Edit. Morgan, Robin; Prekl. Bogin, Magda, Prekl. Carl-Sime, Carol, Prekl. Kroll, Edite, Prekl. Franzen, Cola, Prekl. Fuentes, Annette. - The Feminist Press at The City University of NY, 1996. - 821 s.

ISBN 1-55861-160-6

Anotácia:  grant Network Library Program - Open Society Institue, Budapest - Violence Against Women, Womenďs Health and Girls Issues - december 1999
"-Sisterhood Is Global- has been revered as the essential text on the international women's movement. The anthology features essays Morgan commissioned from a deliberately eclectic mix of women both famous and less known - grass-roots activists, politicians, scholars, guerrillas, journalists - presenting 70 coutries, from every region and political system, with particular emphasis on the Global South. These impassioned essays celebrate the diversity and similarity of women's experience, and reveal shared feminist rage, vision, and strategies for political transformation. Each country's essay is preceded by a preface containing thoroughly researched and referenced statistics on the status of women, including data on education, government, the labor force, marriage, divorce, motherhood, custody, sexual preference, welfare, prostitution, rape, battery, and sexual harrassment, plus national "herstories", "mythographies", and more."
Kľúčové slová : 01.1.4
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2003 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.1.4
Young, Brigitte

Die Herrin und die Magd. / Young, Brigitte.

Kľúčové slová : 01.1.4
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: X890 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.1.4
Gago, Verónica

Feminist international : how to change everything. / aut. Gago, Verónica; prekl. Mason-Deese, Liz. - 1. edition - London : Verso, 2020. - 276 pages, 21 cm,

ISBN 9781788739689, ISBN 178873968X

Anotácia:  Leader of Latin America's powerful new women's movement rethinks the meaning of feminist politics. Recent years have seen massive feminist mobilizations in virtually every continent, overturning social mores and repressive legislation. In this brilliant and original look at the emerging feminist international, Verâonica Gago explores how the women's strike, as both a concept and collective experience, may be transforming the boundaries of politics as we know it. At once a gripping political analysis and a theoretically charged manifesto, Feminist International draws on the author's rich experience with radical movements to enter into ongoing debates in feminist and Marxist theory: from social reproduction and domestic work to the intertwining of financial and gender violence, as well as controversies surrounding the neo-extractivist model of development, the possibilities and limits of left populism, and the ever-vexed nexus of gender-race-class. Gago asks what another theory of power might look like, one pre
mised on our desire to change everything.
"Originally published in Spanish as La potencia feminista: O el deseo de cambiarlo todo by Tinta Limâon 2019"--Title page verso.
Kľúčové slová : Feminism
Poznámka:  s podporou MSSR 11/2021
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6680 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.1.4

The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Feminism. / edt Press, Andrea; edt Oren, Tasha. - New York - London : Routledge, 2020. - 368 pages

ISBN 9780367670580

Anotácia:  Contemporary Feminism: Editorsĺ Introduction
Section I: Ways of Being
1. Taking Exception Seriously: Essentialism, Constructionism, and Proliferation of Particularities
2. Stories are Data with Soul: Lessons from Black Feminist Epistemology
3. In Does Feminism Have a Generation Gap? Blogging, Millennials, and the Hip Hop Generation
4. Too Soon for Postfeminism
5. Lost in Translation: Challenging (White, Monolingual Feminismĺs) Choice with Justicia Reproductiva
6. On Feminist Frontier: On Trans and Feminism
Section II: Ways of Living
7. Everyday Life Studies and Feminism
8. Making Culture and Doing Feminism
9. Surveillance is a Feminist Issue
10. Hookup Culture and Higher Education
11. Circling Back: Electronic Literature and Material Feminism
Section III: Ways In
12. Gender and Schooling: Progress, Persistent Inequalities and Possible Solutions
13. Why We Need Feminist Games Studies
14. Acting Out: Performing Feminism in the Contemporary Art Museum
15. Canĺt I Just be a Filmmaker? Womenĺs and Feminist Film Festivalsĺ Resurgence in a Postfeminist World
Section IV: Ways of Contesting
16. Women Organized Against Sexual Harassment: Protesting Sexual Violence on Campus, Then and Now
17. Online Feminism: Global Phenomenon, Local Perspective
18. Arab Womenĺs Feminism(s), Resistance(s) and Activism(s) Within and Beyond the "Arab Spring": Potentials, Limitation, and Future prospects
19. Pussy Riot: A Feminist Band Lost in History and Translation
20. None of this is New (Media): Feminisms in the Social Media Age
Section V: Coda
A Conversation with Sherry Ortner, Jack Halberstam and Tressie MacMillan Cotto
Poznámka:  s podporou MSSR 2021
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6692 voľná

Klasifikácia: 01.1.4
Cheung, Jessica - Gürsel, Dilek - Kirchner, Marie Jelenka - Scheyer, Victoria

Feministická zahraniční politika v každodenní praxi : příručka. / aut. Cheung, Jessica; aut. Gürsel, Dilek, aut. Kirchner, Marie Jelenka, aut. Scheyer, Victoria, prekl. Ambrožová, Alžběta, korekt. Podobová, Karolina. - 1. vydanie - Praha : Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2022. - 48 s.

Anotácia:  OBSAH:
Seznam zkratek
Předmluva k českému vydání
01 Feministická vize, pozadí tématu a přístup
02 Od definic k hodnotám Ś inkluzivní přístup s důrazem na kontext
2.1 Intersekcionalita
2.2 Empatická reflexivita
2.3 Substantivní zastoupení a participace
2.4 Odpovědnost
2.5 Aktivní závazek k míru
Pracujeme na tom: posouváme feministickou zahraniční politiku dál
03 Co to znamená pro jednotlivé oblasti zahraniční politiky
3.1 Feministická diplomacie v praxi
3.2 Feministická globální bezpečnost v praxi
3.3 Životní prostředí a klimatická spravedlnost v praxi
3.4 Feministická rozvojová spolupráce v praxi
3.5 Feministická obchodní politika v praxi
3.6 Feministická migrační politika v praxi
04 Užitečné otázky pro feministickou zahraniční politiku v každodenní praxi
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6727 voľná, 6728 požičaná

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