Joekes, Susan - Weston, Ann

Women and the New Trade Agenda. / Joekes, Susan; Weston, Ann, GRU Madansky, Cynthia. - New York : UNIFEM, 1994. - 91 s.

ISBN 0-912917-34-2

Anotácia:  Cotents:
1. Recent Trends in World Trade
2. Trade Issues and Rules
3. Making and Management of Trade Policy
4. Gender Perspectives on Trade Policy
5. Women and Trade: Lessons from the Past
6. Trade Related Production Trends and Womenďs Future Employment Prospects
7. Conclusions and Recommendations
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 3860 voľná

Olšanská, Zdenka

Svet práce : Povolania v oblasti obchodu a spoločného stravovania. / Olšanská, Zdenka; Zost. Grajcár, Štefan, Zost. Lepeňová, Darina. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti, 2000. - 40 s.

ISBN 80-88800-23-4

Anotácia:  Úloha obchodu a jeho delenie
Spoločné stravovanie
Aké povolania sa uplatňujú v obchode a spoločnom stravovaní?
Základné informácie o povolaniach v oblasti obchodu a spoločného stravovania
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 5110 voľná


Trade and gender : Opportunities and challenges for developing countries. / ed. Tran-Nguyen, Anh-Nga; ed. Beviglia Zampetti, Americo. - 1.vyd. - New York, Geneva : United Nations, 2004. - 488 s.

ISBN 92-1-112634-7

Anotácia:  The economics of gender equality, trade and development
The "engenderingö of trade for development: An overview of the main issues
Agriculture, trade and gender
Multilateral negotiations on agriculture and possible effects on women in developing countries
Gender-related issues in the textiles and clothing sector
A gender-based analysis of international trade in services: The experience of developing countries
Trade in services, gender and development: A tale of two modes
Gender and the TRIPS Agreement: Exploring some interlinkages
The impact of WTO rules on the pursuit of gender equality
Human rights, gender and trade: A legal framework
Trade and gender: Why competition policies matter
Trading off inequalities: Gender Trade Impact Assessment as a tool for trade reform
Supply-chain codes of conduct and fair trade initiatives: Winning new markets while promoting gender equality
The role of information technology in the promotion of gender equality
Gender-specific capacity building for trade and enterprise development: Experiences in the UN system.
Poznámka:  prezenčne, dar od UN WOMEN
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6031 voľná

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