
The Making of European Women's Studies : A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. / Edit. Braidotti, Rosi; Edit. Nieboer, Janny, Edit. Hirs, Sanne. - 1. vyd. - Holandsko : Drukkerij Zuidam , 2002. - s. 256 - (; volume IV)
ISSN 1570-3533.

ISBN 0-806128-3-9

Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  3242 prezenčne, iné absenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 3242 voľná, 3243 voľná


The Making of European Women's Studies : A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education research. / Edit. Braidotti, Rosi; Edit. Vonk, Esther, Edit. Wichelen van, Sonja. - 1. vyd. - Utrecht University : Athena, 2000. - 232 s. - (; volume II)

ISBN 90-806128-1-2

Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  3240 prezenčne, iné absenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 3240 voľná, 3241 voľná


The Making of European Women's Studies : A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. / Edit. Braidotti, Rosi; Edit. Lazaroms, Ilse, Edit. Vonk, Esther. - 1. vyd. - Utrecht : Athena, 2001. - 264 s. - (; volume III)

ISBN 90-806128-2-0

Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 3305 voľná


The Making of European Women's Studies : A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. / Edit. Braidotti, Rosa; Edit. Just, Edyta, Edit. Mensink, Marlise. - 1. vyd. - Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2004; Athena, 2004. - 248 s. - (; volume V.)

ISBN 90-806128-4-7

Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 3581 voľná


The Making of European Women's Studies : A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. / Edit. Braidotti, Rosi; Edit. Baren, Annabel von. - 1. vyd. - Utrecht : Drujjerij Zuidam & Uithof, 2005. - 252 s. - (; Volume IV)

ISBN 90-806128-5-5

Anotácia:  Contents:
Introductions: Networking the Networks
Thematic Dossiers
1. Gender in Net
Report on ICT Activities
The Software Independency of ATHENA. A Brief Overview of Central ICT Activities
Developing Practices for Online Feminist Pedagogy
Questioning Gender in E-learning and its Relation to Computer Science. Spaces for Design, Working and Learning
Figuring Women and the Internet - An Exercise in Doublethinking?
2. Womenďs Studies in the Baltic States
Introduction: Womenďs Studies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Womenďs Studies in Latvia
Gender Studies in Estonia: Institutions and Undercurrents
Gender Studies as a Tool of Implementation of the Principle of Equal Opportunities in Lithuania
The Uses and Abuses of the Sex/Gender Distinction: Case Studies from European Languages
Categories of "Sex" and "Gender" in Latvian Language: Developing Terminology in Gender Studies
The Sex/Gender Distinction in Lithuania
Position Paper
The Life and Times of Academic Feminism
Report of ATHENA Activities
Survey on MA and PhD Curricula in Womenďs Studies in Europe Report from ATHENA Panel IA
Are We Womenďs Studies Feminismďs Third Wave? Toward a European Womenďs Studies Studentďs Conference
Report of "Travelling Concepts in Feminist Pedagogy"
Report from Black ATHENA. Postcolonial Europe: Gender, Ethnicity and Migration
Linking the Past and the Future of wINE: Kampala 2002- Barcelona 2005- Mexico 2006. European Womenďs Information and Documentation Centres in Focus
Report on the International Association of Women Philosophers Symposium Göteborg
News from AOIFE
Towards a New Professional Organisation for Womenďs/Gender/Feminist Studies in Europe? Report from a Resigning Managing Director
Historical Dossier on the Making of European Womenďs Studies
Womenďs Studies in Denmark: an Update 2004
Finland Anouncenents
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 3859 voľná


List od Rosi Braidotti a obsahy kníh The Making Womenďs Studies.

Anotácia:  xerox
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: X123 voľná

- Barát, Erzsébet - Bollobás, Enikö - Halász-Dabasi, Zsuzsanna - Friedrich, Judit - Joó, Mária - Kegyes-Szekeres, Erika - Koncz, Katalin - Lukács, Edit - Marinovich, Sarolta - Lizák-Matiscák, Marianna - Neményi, Mária - Séllei, Nóra

Teaching gender studies in Hungary/A társadalmi nemek oktatása Magyarországon. / Edit. Petö, Andrea; Barát, Erzsébet, Bollobás, Enikö, Halász-Dabasi, Zsuzsanna, Friedrich, Judit, Joó, Mária, Kegyes-Szekeres, Erika, Koncz, Katalin, Lukács, Edit, Marinovich, Sarolta, Lizák-Matiscák, Marianna, Neményi, Mária, Séllei, Nóra. - 1 vyd. - Budapest : Ministry of Youth, amily, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunitties, 2006. - 270 s.

ISBN 963 229 467 1

Anotácia:  Is there a space for teaching gender studies in Hungarian Higher Education?
From Consciousness-Raising to Intellectual Empowerment
Gender studies at the faculty of Economic Sciences
My feminist critical thinking
"Nice feminist" philosophy
Gender and linguistics
The history, mission and work of the womenďs studies centre
Womenďs issues-Minority issues
From the teaching of a "discriminative" womenďs history to that of gender studies in Hungary
"Manďs work"
Characteristics of teaching social policy and Gender in Eastern Europe
From sex to gender
Gender studies in educational sciences and the pedagogy of teacher training
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4477 voľná


Rosa-Mayreder-College : Masterlehrgang. Internationale Genderforschung & Feministische Politik / Master program. International Gender Research & Feminist Politics. / Zost. Kubes-Hofmann, Ursula. - Vienna : Rosa-Mayreder-College, 2004. - 31 s.

Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  Prezenčne.
Typ: Kniha - monografia (príručka) Signatúra: 5300 voľná

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