McBee, Mary Louise - Blake, Kathryn A.

The American Woman: Who Will She Be? / McBee, Mary Louise; Blake, Kathryn A.. - 1. vyd. - Beverly Hills : Glencoe Press, 1974. - 164 s.

Anotácia:  PROLOGUE
The Setting /Kathryn A. Blake and Mary Louise McBee
Out of Past and Present Controversies: Challenges for the Future /Anne Firor Scott
Adjustement: New Approaches to Women´s Mental Health /Carol M. Nadelson
The Self-Actualized Woman /Esther M. Lloyd-Jones
Androgyny and Humanistic Goal, or Goodbye, Cardboard People /Judith M. Barwick
The Occupations: Wider Economic Opportunity /Juanita M. Kreps
Women and New Social Structures /Jessie Bernard
The Media: New Images of Women in Contemporary Society /Judith Miller and Leah Margulies
The New Figure in American Politics /Patsy. T. Mink
The Education of Women Today and Tomorrow /K. Patricia Cross
The American Woman: Who Will She Be? /Kathryn A. Blake and Marry Louise McBee

Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 99 voľná

Klasifikácia: 03.3.3
Salmon, Charles T.

Campaigns for Social "Improvement": An Overview of values, Rationales and Impacts : In Information Campaigns: Balancing Social Values and Social Change. / aut. Salmon, Charles T.; ed. Salmon, Charles T.. - 1. vyd. - Newbury Park - London - New Delhi : Sage Publications, 1989. - pp. 19-53

ISBN 978-0803932197

Poznámka:  prezenčne; xerox
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: x1042 voľná

Klasifikácia: 09.1.6
- Fücks, Ralf - Ridenti, Marcelo - Bogucka, Teresa - Tůma, Oldřich - Daniel, Alexander - Templin, Wolfgang - Nasson, Bill - Popov, Nebojša - Lechat, Benoît - Cohn-Bendit, Daniel

1968 revisited : 40 years of present movements. / ed. Farik, Nora; aut. úv. Weibner, Claude, aut. Fücks, Ralf, aut. Ridenti, Marcelo, aut. Bogucka, Teresa, aut. Tůma, Oldřich, aut. Daniel, Alexander, aut. Templin, Wolfgang, interview Meschkat, Klaus, aut. Nasson, Bill, aut. Popov, Nebojša, aut. Lechat, Benoît, aut. Cohn-Bendit, Daniel. - 1. vyd. - Brussels : Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2008. - 67 p. - (Democracy; 7)

Anotácia:  CONTENTS
What is left? 1968 revisited
1968 - Again! Reference year for an age. The events in Brazil
Poland in 1968: "The freedom we needed so badly was so obvious elsewhere"
1968: Czechoslovakia
1968 in Moscow - A Beginning
1968 - An East german Perspective
Germany 1968 - SDS, Urban Guerillas and Visions of Räterpublik
Apartheid South Africa in 1968: Not quite business as usual
Belgrade, June 1968
May 1968 in Belgium: The crack bursts open
"Today the big political game is 'bashing the 1960s'"
Kľúčové slová : sociálny systém; sociálny vývoj

English keywords: social system; social stratification
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 5717 voľná

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