Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie

The Issue is Power : Essays on Women, Jews, Violence and Resistance. / Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie; GRU Wilson, Pamela, Red. Brown, Jayna, Red. Casey, Patti, Red. Davis, Martha, Red. Lymbertos, Chris, Red. Nestor, Cathy, Red. Stephens, Reneé, Red. Wilkinson, Kathleen. - San Fransisco : Aunt Lute Books, 1992. - 266 s.

ISBN 1-879960-16-8

Anotácia:  content:
1. Introduction
2. Women, Violence, and Resistance, Naming it War 1979-1992
Men's War Against Women
Blocks to Resistance
Forms of Resisting
3. To Be a Radical Jew in the Late 20th Century
Some Notes on Jewish Lesbian Identity
Ani Mamin
To Be a Radical Jew in the Late 20th Century
Class,Feminism, and the "Black-Jewish Question"
We Are the Only Adults: Making Change, Keeping Balance, and Progressive Jewish Politics for the Long Haul
Jews, Class, Color and the Cost of Whiteness
4. Iïve Been to Isreal and to Palestine
5. While Patriarchy Explodes
Culture Making: Lesbian Classics in the Year 2.000?
The Issue is Power: Some Notes on Jewish Women and Therapy
The Next Step
Opening Talk for Sword into Polowshares
Anti-Arab Racism
Some Notes on the Gulf War
Nine Suggestions for Radicals or Lessons From the Gulf War
While Patriarchy Explodes: Writing in a Time of Crisis
6. Reviews
"Borderlands"/La Frontera: "The New Mestiza" by Gloria Anzaldúa
"Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust" by Ruth Rubin
"Anzia Yezierska: A Writerïs Life" by Louise Levitas Henrikson/"Love in the Promised Land" by Mary Dearson
"The Other Side" by Mary Gordon/"Jasmine" by Bharati Mukherjee
"What Dinah Thought" by Deena Metzger
"Jump and Other Stories" by Nadine Gordimer
kniha z Core Collection on Minortiy Womenïs Issues and Women and Conflict - Open Society Institute, Budapest
K¾úèové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2345 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 01.1.3

Making Face, Making Soul = Haciendo Caras : Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color. / Edit. Anzaldúa, Gloria. - 1. vyd. - San Fransisco : Aunt Lute Books, 1990. - 412 s.

ISBN 1-879960-10-9

Anotácia:  obsah:
I. Still Trembles Our Rage in the Face of Racism - There Is War : Some Losses Canït Be Counted
Judith Ortiz Cofer: What The Gypsy Said To Her Children
Lorna Dee Cervantes: Poem For The Young White Man Who Asked Me How I, An Intelligent, Well-Read Person, Could Believe In The ar Between Races
Shirley Hill Witt: Punto Final
Janice Gould: We Exist
Mitsuye Yamada: Desert Run
Janice Mirikitani: Generations of Women
Gloria Yamamoto: Something About the Subject Makes It Hard to Name
Barbara Smith: Racism and Womenïs Studies
Maxine Baca Zinn - Lynn Weber Cannon - Elizabeth Higginbotham - Bonnie Thornton Dill: The Costs of Exclusionary Practices in Womenïs Studies
Lynet Uttal: Inclusion Without Influence: The Continuing Tokenism of Women in Color
María Lugones: Hablando cara a cara/Speaking Face to Face: An Exploration of Ethnocentric Racsim
Chela Sandoval: Feminism and Racism: A Report on the 1981 National Womenïs Studies Association Conference
II. Denial and Betrayal
Janice Mirikitani: Suicide Note
Canéla Jaramillo: Postscript
Sandra Cisneros: A Woman Cutting Celery
Elena Tajima Creef: Notes from a Fragmented Daughter
Kristal Brent Zook: Light Skinned-ded Naps
Rosemary Cho Leyson: The Visit Home
Beth Brant: Turtle Gal
Mitsuye Yamada: Masks of Woman
Gisele Fong: Corrosion
Cherríe Moraga: La Dulce Culpa
Nora Cobb: Sessions
Laura Munter-Orabona: On Passing
Bernice Zamora: Notes From a Chicana "Coed"
Edna Escamill: Corazón de una anciana
Audre Lorde: Between Ourselves
Gloria Anzaldúa: En rapport, In Opposition: Cobrando cuentas a las neustras
III. (De)Colonized Selves: Finding Hope Through Horror - Turning the Pain Around: Strategies for Growth
Joy Harjo: I Give You Back
Anne Mi Ok Bruining: To Ommoni, In Korea
Siu Wai Anderson: A Letter to My Daughter
Anne Waters: Journeys of the Mind
Sucheng Chan: Youïre Short, Besides!
Ekua Omosupe: In Magazines (I Found Specimens of the Beautiful)
Aletícia Tijerina: Notes on Oppression and Violence
June Jordan: Where Is The Love?
IV. In Silence, Giving Tongue - The Transformation of Silence Into (An)ohther Alphabet
Carmen Morones: Periquita
Lorna Dee Cervantes: Refugee Ship
Lynda Marín: Her Rites of Passage
Barbara Ruth: The Eskimos
Elba Rosario Sánchez: Palabra de Mujer
Pat Mora: Elena
Pat Mora: Unnatural Speech
Catalina Ríos: The Three Tongues
Joy Harjo: For Alva Benson, And For Those Who Have Learned To Speak
Janice Mirikitani: Prisons of Silence
Jewelle Gomez: I Lost It at the Movies
bell hooks: Talking Back
Kit Yuen Quan: The Girl Who Wouldnït Sing
V. Political Arts, Subversive Acts
Opal Palmer Adisa: Madness Disguises Sanity
Chrystos: Not Editable
Julia de Burgos: A Julia de Burgos
Carmen Morones: Grace
Trinh T. Minh-ha: Commitment from the Mirror-Writing Box
Diane Neumaier: Judy Baca: Our People Are The Internal Exiles
Michelle Cliff: Object Into Subject: Some Thoughts On the Work Of Black Women Artists
Helena María Viramontes: "Nopalitos": The Making of Fiction
VI. If You Would Be My Ally - In Alliance, In Solidarity
Pat Parker: For the white person who wants to know how to be my friend
Paula Gunn Allen: Some Like Indians Endure
Andrea R. Canaan: Girlfriends
Virginia R. Harris and Trinity A. Ordona: Developing Unity Among Women of Color: Crossing the Barriers of Internalized Racism and Cross-Racial Hostility
Lynet Uttal: Nods That Silence
Audre Lorde: I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities
Papusa Molina: Recognizing, Accepting and Celebrating Our Differences
VII. "Doing" Theory in Other Modes of Consciousness
Barbara Christian: The Race for Theory
Tey Diana Rebolledo: The Politics of Poetics: Or, What Am I, A Critic, Doing in This Text Anyhow?
Norma Alarcón: The Theoretical Subject(s) of "This Bridge Called My Back" and Anglo-American Feminism
Alice Walker: Definition of Womanist
K¾úèové slová : 01.1.3
Poznámka:  prezenène
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2365 vo¾ná

Klasifikácia: 07.3.2
Anzaldúa, Gloria

Borderlands/La Frontera : The New Mestiza. / aut. Anzaldúa, Gloria; aut. úv. Cantú, Norma E. , aut. úv. Hurtado, Aída. - 4. vyd. - San Francisco : Aunt Lute Books, 2007. - 300 s.

ISBN 978-1-879960-85-5

Anotácia:  Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza [1987] is a semi-autobiographical work by Gloria E. Anzaldúa that includes prose and poems detailing the invisible "borders" that exist between Latinas/os and non-Latinas/os, men and women, heterosexuals and homosexuals, and numerous other opposing groups.
The term Borderlands, according to Anzaldúa, refers to the geographical area that is most susceptible to la mezcla [hybridity], neither fully of Mexico nor fully of the United States.[2] She also used this term to identify a growing population that cannot distinguish these invisible "borders," who instead have learned to become a part of both worlds whose cultural expectations they are still expected to abide by.
Poznámka:  s podporou MPSVR 12/2015
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6259 vo¾ná

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