Tatchell, Peter

Europe in the Pink : Lesbian & Gay Equality in the Europe. / Tatchell, Peter. - London : GMP Publishers, 1992. - 160 s.

ISBN 0-85449-158-9

Anotácia:  obsah:
The European Record So Far
European Community
Council of Europe
Eastern Europe
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
The Implications of European Integration
The EC as the Focus for a United Europe
1992 - A Market for a Community?
An Emerging European Super-State
The Need for a Euro-Strategy
A European Agenda for Homosexual Equality
Reinterpreting the Treaties of the EC
Human Rights and Harmonization
Freedom of Movement and Free Competition
The Duty to Actively Promote Equality
Precedents for Liberal Interpretations
Reforming the European Community
Human Rights Agenda
Power to the Parliament
Majority Voting
Wider Membership
Equality in the European Community
Bill of Rights
Anti-Discrimination Directive
Equla Opportunity Executive
Campaigning Across the European Community
International Lesbian and Gay Association
Lobbying Tactics
Co-ordination and Alliances
A Guide to Lesbian and Gay Rights in Europe
Summary of the Guide
Guide to Britain
Guide to Other European Countries
Map of European Ages of Consent
International Human Rights Declaration
European Community Treaty Commitments
Decisions of the European Parliament
Complaint Against the European Community
kniha z Core Collection on Minortiy Womenďs Issues and Women and Conflict - Open Society Institute, Budapest
Kľúčové slová :
Poznámka:  prezenčne, 6449 absenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2348 voľná, 6449 voľná

Klasifikácia: 06.7.4
Altman, Dennis - Vance, Carole - Vicinus, Martha - Weeks, Jeffrey

Homosexuality, which homosexuality? / Altman, Dennis; Vance, Carole, Vicinus, Martha, Weeks, Jeffrey. - 1. vyd. - London : GMP Publishers, 1988. - 256 s.

ISBN 90 5071 057 3

Kľúčové slová : 06.7.4
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 4919 voľná

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