Klasifikácia: 05.2
- Fodor , Eva - Steinhilber, Silke - Vanek, Joann - Villagoméz, Elizabeth - Judd, Karen

The Story Behind the Numbers : Women and Employment in Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Commonwealth of Independent States. / Edit. Jacobs, Gloria; Fodor , Eva, Steinhilber, Silke, Vanek, Joann, Villagoméz, Elizabeth, Judd, Karen. - 1. vydanie - Bratislava : United Nations Development Fund for Women, 2006. - 69 s.

ISBN 92-95052-01-3

Anotácia:  Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: From Revolution to Revolution
Chapter 2: Women in the Labour Force
Chapter 3: Women Without Employment
Chapter 4: Patterns and Conditions of Womenďs Employment
Chapter 5: Conclisions and Recommendations
Kľúčové slová : 05.2
Poznámka:  Prezenčne.
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 5291 požičaná

- Collins, Mark - Grosu, Claudia - Kling, Jaroslav - Milcher, Susanne - O´Higgins, Niall - Slay, Ben - Zhelyazkova, Antonina

At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in Southeast Europe : Report, data sets and additional resources. / PROJ.KOORDINATOR Ivanov, Andrey ; aut. Collins, Mark, aut. Grosu, Claudia , aut. Kling, Jaroslav, aut. Milcher, Susanne, aut. O´Higgins, Niall, aut. Slay, Ben , aut. Zhelyazkova, Antonina . - Bratislava : United Nations Development Programme, 2006.

Anotácia:  Publication builds on and expands the groundbreaking work first published in Avoiding the Dependency Trap, the 2003 regional report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Roma in Central Europe. That report offered a deeper, more complex view of Roma exclusion. Using quantitative data from cross-country surveys, it complemented the traditional human rights paradigm with a human development perspective. The report emphasized the importance of integrating the Roma just as the countries of Central Europe were preparing to enter the European Union (EU). At Risk also appears at an auspicious moment in the EU integration process. Focusing on another group of EU aspirants ľ the countries of Southeast Europe ľ the report similarly addresses the situation of Roma using quantitative data from cross-country surveys. But it also focuses this lens on the displaced ľ refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), a significant vulnerable group in this post-conflict region.
There are many dimensions of vulnerability.
Contents of At Risk: Roma and the Displaced in Southeast Europe
Foreword, Acknowledgements, Contents
Part I. Roma
1.1 Roma in the Balkan context - This brief historical review shows the deep roots of Roma vulnerability, which is linked to nonľacceptance and lack of respect from society for their cultural specifics, as well as to displacement, and weak education and skill backgrounds that leave them uncompetitive on many labour markets.
1.2 Poverty - In this chapter the incidence and depth of poverty and the extent of inequality among Roma is assessed and contrasted with that of the majority, and the major determinants of this poverty are highlighted. Roma are more likely to be cripped by debt than the majority population, and while the majority population living in urban areas is generally better off than those living in rural areas, Roma suffer higher levels of poverty in both locations.
1.3 Education - This chapter describes the status of Roma education, contrasts it with that of majority communities, and highlights the major determinants of this lower education status. The data reveal a strong relationship between poverty and poor educational attainment; some 51 per cent of Roma surveyed cited cost as the major reason for dropping out of school.
1.4 Employment - This chapter examines the links between employment and unemployment on the one hand and Roma vulnerability on the other. In most countries employment rates for Roma women are below 20 per cent, and Roma women are far more likely than Roma men to be unemployed.
1.5 Health and security - This chapter analyses the health and nutrition conditions, different threat perceptions and housing situation of Roma and majority communities. Only 73 per cent of poor Roma children received basic vaccinations, compared to 80 per cent of non-poor Roma children. Inadequate information or appropriate medical identification is often responsible for incomplete vaccination coverage.
Part II. Displaced persons
2.1 Displaced persons in the Balkan context - Refugees and internally displaced persons are among the most tragic victims of the violent dissolution of former Yugoslavia. This chapter provides the necessary context to understand the issue of displaced and the challenges they currently face.
2.2 Poverty - This chapter outlines the levels of risks displaced individuals and households are facing, and describes the determinants of their vulnerability to poverty. It undescores the importance of resolving the legal status of displaced persons and of its links to poverty and exclusion.
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Audiovizuálny dokument Signatúra: CD194 voľná, CD195 voľná

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