Klasifikácia: 01.1
- Alanen, Leena - Barrett, Michele - Caplan, Coren - Cockburn, Cynthia - Freundlich, Elisabeth - Haraway, Donna - Haug, Frigga - Ivekovic, Rada - Johnson, Betty - Langensberger, Melanie - Laudan, Marion - Osterkamp, Ute - Rose, Hilary - Rossanda, Rossana - Seddon, Terri - Serur, Raquel - Tata, Libby Arcel - Weber, Claudia

Viele Orte. Überall? : Feminismus in Bewegung: Festschrift für Frigga Haug. / Edit. Hauser, Kornelia; Alanen, Leena, Barrett, Michele, Caplan, Coren, Cockburn, Cynthia, Freundlich, Elisabeth, Haraway, Donna, Haug, Frigga, Ivekovic, Rada, Johnson, Betty, Langensberger, Melanie, Laudan, Marion, Osterkamp, Ute, Rose, Hilary, Rossanda, Rossana, Seddon, Terri, Serur, Raquel, Tata, Libby Arcel, Weber, Claudia. - 1. vyd. - Hamburg/Berlin : Argument Verlag, 1987. - 256 s.

ISBN 3-88619-365-9

Anotácia:  Inhalt:
Produktive Kulturezrstörungen. Aufenhalt in Australien
Mutter - Tochter
Geschlecht, Gender und unbewußte Gesellschaft
Notiz beim Lesen von "Sexualisierung der Körper"
Späte Gewinne
Vom Kind zur Frau. Für eine Theorie weiblicher Sozialisation
Bin ich ein mensch oder nicht? Die Schizophrenie des Mensch-sein-wollens
frauen und Gewalt. Thesen zu einer nicht geführten Diskussion
Der leere Platz des Anderen. Postmodernes Denken und Frauenbefreiung
"Differenz" und Differenzen. Drei Bedeutungen eines Begriffs
Das Doppelgesicht der Einsamkeit
Die Zukunft träumen. Feminismus und Science-fiction
Tata Iphigenie: Opfer oder Täter?
Von Siegfried zu Rambo. Männerträume und neue Besetzungen des Mythos
Frauenquoten und Männerjustiz
Ausschließende Einschließung. Frauen und Wissenschaften
Sie wußte, was sie wollte; Dr. med. Dorothea Christina Erxleben (1715-1762)
Frauen in Männerberufen. "Soziale Schließung" und Feminisierung
Wenn sie Sozialisten uns zuhören würden
In der Arbeit zu Hause sein?
Kžúčové slová : 01.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 2793 vožná

- Anzaldua, Gloria E. - Bartky, Sandra Lee - Bordo , Susan - Braidotti , Rosi - Butler, Judith - Case, Sue-Ellen - Doane, Mary Ann - Gatens, Moira - Haraway, Donna - hooks, bell - Hunter, Dianne - Irigaray, Luce - Kuhn, Annette - Lorde, Audre - MacKinnon, Catherine A. - Mairs, Nancy - Martin, Emily - Modleski, Tania - Russo, Mary - Stone, Sandy - Truth, Sojourner - Williams, Patricia J. - Williams, Linda - Wittig, Monique

Writing on the Body : Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory. / Edit. Conboy, Katie; Edit. Medina, Nadia, Edit. Stanbury, Sarah, Anzaldua, Gloria E., Bartky, Sandra Lee, Bordo , Susan, Braidotti , Rosi, Butler, Judith, Case, Sue-Ellen, Doane, Mary Ann, Gatens, Moira, Haraway, Donna, hooks, bell, Hunter, Dianne, Irigaray, Luce, Kuhn, Annette, Lorde, Audre, MacKinnon, Catherine A., Mairs, Nancy, Martin, Emily, Modleski, Tania, Russo, Mary, Stone, Sandy, Truth, Sojourner, Williams, Patricia J., Williams, Linda, Wittig, Monique. - 1. vyd. - New York - Chichester : Columbia University Press, 1997. - 430 s. - (A Gender and Culture Reader)

ISBN 0-231-10545-2

Anotácia:  Content
- Part 1: Reading the Body
1 Medical Metaphors of Womenĺs Bodies: Menstruation and Menopause
2 Rape: On Coercion and Consent
3 Mothers, Monsters, and Machines
4 Corporeal Representation in/ and the Body Politic
5 The Body and the Reproduction of Femininity
- Part 2: Bodies in Production
6 Selling Hot Pussy: Representation of Black Female Sexuality in the Cultural Marketplace
7 Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power
8 On Being the Object of Property
9 Film and the Masquerade: Theorizing the Female Spectator
10 The Body and Cinema
11 Cinema and the Dark Continent: Race and Gender in Popular Film
- Part 3: The Body Speaks
12 Ainĺt I a Woman?
13 La conciencia de la mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness
14 This Sex Which Is Not One
15 Hysteria, Psychoanalysis, and Feminism
16 Use of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power
17 The Persistence of Vision
18 Carnal Acts
- Body 4: Body on Stage
19 One Is Not Born a Woman
20 Female Grotesque: Carnival and Theory
21 The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto
22 A Provoking Agent: The Pornography and Performance Art of Annie Sprinkle
23 Tracking the Vampire
24 Performative Acts and Gender Constitution
Kžúčové slová :
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 2866 požičaná, E0404 vožná

- Šmausová, Gerlinda - Fulka, Josef - Haraway, Donna - Navrátilová, Jolanna - Kodíčková, Tereza - Šmídová, Iva - Lišková, Kateřina - Sintomer, Yves - Waaldijk, Kees - Baršová, Andrea - Toffler, Alvin - Hirschman, Albert - Murphy, Robert,F. - Oborná, Jana

Politika rodu a sexuální identity. / Edit. Barša, Pavel; aut. Šmausová, Gerlinda, aut. Fulka, Josef, aut. Haraway, Donna, aut. Navrátilová, Jolanna, aut. Kodíčková, Tereza, aut. Šmídová, Iva, aut. Lišková, Kateřina, aut. Sintomer, Yves, aut. Waaldijk, Kees, aut. Baršová, Andrea, aut. Toffler, Alvin, aut. Hirschman, Albert, aut. Murphy, Robert,F., aut. Oborná, Jana. - 1. vyd. - Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2002. - 219 s. - (Sociální studia 7)
ISSN 1212-365X.

ISBN 80-210-2834-3

Anotácia:  Obsah
G. Šmausová: Proti tvrdošíjné představě o ontické povaze gender a pohlaví
J. Fulka: Od interpelace k performativu (Feminismus a konstrukce rodové identitz)
D. Haraway: Manifest kyborgů: věda, technologie a socialistický feminismus ke konci dvacátého století
J. Navrátilová: Donna Haraway a útok na jednotu bez různosti
T. Kodíčková: Co je nám do Třetího světa aneb Zpráva o analýze českých akademických generových textů
I. Šmídová: Muži v české republice podle Jiných mužů
K. Lišková: Znásilnění jako téma druhé vlny feminismu
Z. Sintomer: Rod a politické zastoupení: otázka parity ve Francii
K. Waaldijk: Cestou malých změn: jak se v Nizozemí prosadilo manželství partnerů téhož pohlaví?
A. Baršová: Partnerství gayů a lesbiček: kdy dozraje čas pro změnu?
Toffler, A.: Šok z budoucnosti (I. Bystřičan)
Hirschman, A.: Rival Views of Market Society and Other Recent Essays (L. Fónadová)
Murphy, R. F.: Umlčené tělo (I. Bystřičan)
Rozhovor s Marií Chřipkovou (J. Oborná)
Výzkum Rovné příležitosti mužů a žen ve vybraných českých podnicích (J. Navrátilová)
Kžúčové slová :
Poznámka:  2926 prezenčne, iné absenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 2926 vožná, 3006 vožná

Klasifikácia: 01.1
- Schor, Naomi - Butler, Judith - Scott, Joan W. - Chakravorty Spivak, Gayatri - Haraway, Donna - Chow, Rey - Riley, Denise - Crosby, Christina - Henderson, Mae Gwendolyn - Leys, Ruth - Honig, B. - Poovey, Mary - Pathak, Zakia - Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder - Cornell, Drucilla L. - Schultz, Vicki - McClure, Kirstie - Mouffe, Chantal - Marcus, Sharon - Alonso, Ana María - Flax, Jane - Singer, Linda

Feminists Theorize the Political. / Edit. Butler, Judith; Edit. Scott, Joan W., Schor, Naomi, Butler, Judith, Scott, Joan W., Chakravorty Spivak, Gayatri, Haraway, Donna, Chow, Rey, Riley, Denise, Crosby, Christina, Henderson, Mae Gwendolyn, Leys, Ruth, Honig, B., Poovey, Mary, Pathak, Zakia, Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder, Cornell, Drucilla L., Schultz, Vicki, McClure, Kirstie, Mouffe, Chantal, Marcus, Sharon, Alonso, Ana María, Flax, Jane, Singer, Linda. - 1. vyd. - New York : Routledge, 1992; London : Routledge, 1992. - 485 s.

ISBN 0-415-90274-6

Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of "Postmodernism"(Butler)
"Experience" (Scott)
Feminism and George Sand: Lettres á Marcie (Schor)
French Feminism Revisited: Ethics and Politics (Spivak)
Ecce Homo, Ain't (Ar'n't) I a Woman, and Inappropriate/d Others: The Human in a Post-Humanist Landscape (Haraway)
Postmodern Automatons (Chow)
A Short History of Some Preoccupations (Riley)
Dealing with Differences (Crosby)
Speaking in Tongues: Dialogics, Dialectics, and the Black Woman Writer's Literary Tradition (Henderson)
The Real Miss Beauchamp: Gender and the Subject of Imitaion (Leys)
Toward an Agonistic Feminism: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Identity (Honig)
The Abortion Question and the Death of Man (Poovey)
"Shahbano" (Pathak & Rajan)
Gender, Sex, and Equivalent Rights (Cornell)
Women "Before" the Law: Judicial Stories about Women, Work, and the Sex Segregation on the Job (Schultz)
The Issue of Foundations: Scientized Politics, Politicizes Science, and Feminist Critical Practice (McMlure)
Feminism, Citizenship, and Radical Democratic Politics (Mouffe)
Fighting Bodies, Fighting Words: A Theory and Politics of Rape Prevention (Marcus)
Gender, Power, and Historical Memory: Discourses of Serrano Resistance (Alonso)
A Pedagogy for Postcolonial Feminists (Pathak)
The End of Innocence (Flax)
Feminism and Postmodernism (Singer)
Kžúčové slová : 01.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 3032 vožná

Klasifikácia: 01.1.1
- Nicholson, Linda J. - Fraser, Nancy - Flax, Jane - Di Stefano, Christine - Harding, Sandra - Benhabib, Seyla - Bordo, Susan - Hartsock, Nancy - Probyn, Elspeth - Haraway, Donna - Huyssen, Andreas - Yeatman, Anna - Young, Iris Marion - Butler, Judith

Feminism/Postmodernism. / Edit. Nicholson, Linda J.; Nicholson, Linda J., Fraser, Nancy, Flax, Jane, Di Stefano, Christine, Harding, Sandra, Benhabib, Seyla, Bordo, Susan, Hartsock, Nancy, Probyn, Elspeth, Haraway, Donna, Huyssen, Andreas, Yeatman, Anna, Young, Iris Marion, Butler, Judith. - 1. vyd. - New York : Routledge, 1990. - 348 s.

ISBN 0-415-90059-x

Anotácia:  I. Feminism as against epistemology?
Nancy Fraser and Linda J. Nicholson: Social criticism without philosophy: An encounter between feminism and postmodernism
Jane Flax: Postmodernism and gender relations in feminist theory
Christine Di Stefano: Dilemmas of difference: Feminism, modernity and postmodernism
Sandra Harding: Feminism, science and the anti-enlightenment critiques
Epistemologies of postmodernism: A rejoinder to Jean-F. Lyotard
II. The politics of location
Susan Bordo: Feminism, postmodernism, and gender-scepticism
Nancy Hartsock: Foucault on power: A theory for women?
Elspeth Probyn: Travels in the postmodern: Making sense of the local
Donna Haraway: A manifesto for cyborgs: Science, technology and socialist feminism in the 1980s
Andreas Huyssen: Mapping the postmodern
III. Identity and differentiation
Anna Yeatman: A feminist theory of social differentiation
Iris Marion Young: The ideal of community and the politics of difference
Judith Butler: Gender trouble, feminist theory, and psychoanalytic discourse
Kžúčové slová : 01.1.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 3035 vožná

Klasifikácia: 03.4
- Bennet, Tony - Berland, Jody - Bhabha, Homi - Brunt, Rosalind - Chabram-Dernersesian, Angie - Clifford, James - Crimp, Douglas - Fiske, John - Gilroy, Paul - Giroux, Henri - Glover, David - Grover, Jan Zita - Hall, Catherine - Hall, Stuart - Haraway, Donna - hooks, bell - Hunter, Ian - Kaplan, Cora - Kipnis, Laura - Mani, Lata - Martin, Emily - McRobbie, Angela - Mercer, Kobena - Morris, Meaghan - Penley, Constnce - Probyn, Elspeth - Stallybrass, Peter - Steedman, Carolyn - Szemere, Anna - Tagg, John - Turner, Graeme - Walace, Michele - Warner, William - West, Cornel - Whitt, Laure - Wolff, Janet

Cultural Studies. / Edit. Grossberg, Lawrence; Edit. Nelson, Cary, Edit. Treichler, Paula, AUT Baughman, Linda, AUT Wise, John Macgregor, Edit. Nelson, Cary, aut. Bennet, Tony, aut. Berland, Jody, aut. Bhabha, Homi, aut. Brunt, Rosalind, aut. Chabram-Dernersesian, Angie, aut. Clifford, James, aut. Crimp, Douglas, aut. Fiske, John, aut. Gilroy, Paul, aut. Giroux, Henri, aut. Glover, David, aut. Grover, Jan Zita, aut. Hall, Catherine, aut. Hall, Stuart, aut. Haraway, Donna, aut. hooks, bell, aut. Hunter, Ian, aut. Kaplan, Cora, aut. Kipnis, Laura, aut. Mani, Lata, aut. Martin, Emily, aut. McRobbie, Angela, aut. Mercer, Kobena, aut. Morris, Meaghan, aut. Penley, Constnce, aut. Probyn, Elspeth, aut. Stallybrass, Peter, aut. Steedman, Carolyn, aut. Szemere, Anna, aut. Tagg, John, aut. Turner, Graeme, aut. Walace, Michele, aut. Warner, William, aut. West, Cornel, aut. Whitt, Laure, Wolff, Janet. - 1. vyd. - New York : Routledge, 1992. - 788 s.

ISBN 0-415-90345-9

Kžúčové slová : 03.4
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 3505 vožná

Klasifikácia: 02.2.2
- Harding, Sandra - Millman, Maricia - Kanter, Rosabeth Moss - Fonow, Mary Margaret - Cook, Judith, A. - Jagger, Alison M. - Braidotti , Rosi - Code, Lorraine - Haraway, Donna - Fricker, Miranda - Shiva, Vandana - Hutchings, Kimberly - Mangena, Oshadi - Acker, Joan - Barry, Kate - Jayartane, Toby Epstein - Esseveld, Johanna - Stewart, Abigail J. - Ribbens, Jane - Young-Eisendrath, Polly - Schmidt, Uta C. - Reinharz, Schulamit - Parr, Janet - Bell, Linda - Ribbens, Jane - Wolf, Diane L. - Kirkwood, Catherine - Birch, Maxine - Narayan, Kirin - Fine, Michel - Collins, Patricia Hill - Amuchastegui, Ana - Ali, Kamran Asdar - Pesquera, Beatriz M. - Blagojevic, Marina

Introduction to feminist methodology : Winter term 1999/2000. / zost. Blagojević, Marina; aut. Harding, Sandra, aut. Millman, Maricia, aut. Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, aut. Fonow, Mary Margaret , aut. Cook, Judith, A., aut. Jagger, Alison M., aut. Braidotti , Rosi, aut. Code, Lorraine, aut. Haraway, Donna, aut. Fricker, Miranda, aut. Shiva, Vandana, aut. Hutchings, Kimberly, aut. Mangena, Oshadi, aut. Acker, Joan, aut. Barry, Kate, aut. Jayartane, Toby Epstein, aut. Esseveld, Johanna, aut. Stewart, Abigail J., aut. Ribbens, Jane, aut. Young-Eisendrath, Polly, aut. Schmidt, Uta C., aut. Reinharz, Schulamit, aut. Parr, Janet, aut. Bell, Linda, aut. Ribbens, Jane, aut. Wolf, Diane L., aut. Kirkwood, Catherine, aut. Birch, Maxine, aut. Narayan, Kirin, aut. Fine, Michel, aut. Collins, Patricia Hill, aut. Amuchastegui, Ana, aut. Ali, Kamran Asdar, aut. Pesquera, Beatriz M., aut. Blagojevic, Marina. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 1999.

- Introduction: Is there a Feminist Method?
- Introduction to Another Voice: Feminist Perspective on Social Life and Social Science
- Back to the Future: A Look sat the Second Wave of Feminist Epistemology and Methodology
- Love and Knowledge: Emotion in Feminist Epistemology
- Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is "Strong Objectivity"?
- Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective
- Knowledge as Construct: Theorizing the Role of Gender in Knowledge
- The Personal is International: Feminist Epistemology and the Case of International Relations
- Against Fragmentation: The need for holism
- Objectivity and Truth: Problems in Doing Feminist Research
- Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Social Science: Current Feminist Issues and Practical Strategies
- Living on The Edges: Public Knowledge, Private Lives, Personal Experience
- Theoretical Voices and Women's Own Voices: The stories of Mature Women Students
- Public and Private Meanings in Diaries: Researching Family and Childcare
- Investing Ourselves: Use of Researcher Personal Response in Feminist Methodology
- Re/constructing Research Narratives: Self and Sociological Identity in Alternative Settings
- Working the Hyphens: Reinventing Self and Other in Qualitative Research
- Learning From the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought
- Notes on Rethinking Masculinities: An Egyptian Case
- "In the Begining he Wouldn't Lift Even a Spoon": The Division of Household Labor
- The Walks in Gender Perspective
Kžúčové slová : metodológia; metódy vedy

English keywords: methodology; method of research; Knowledge: Feminist epistemology and methodology; Procedures: Research methods in feminist perspective; Products: Feminist researches
Poznámka:  Prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (zborník) Signatúra: 4997 vožná

Klasifikácia: 01.2.2
- Stacey, Judith - Thorne, Barrie - Gordon, Avery F. - Braithwaite, Ann - Mohanty, Chandra - Zimmerman, Susan - Hartsock, Nancy - Harding, Sandra - Sandoval, Chela - Collins, Patricia Hill - Friedman, Susan Stanford - Dill, Bonnie Thornton - Enid, Ruth - Scott, Joan - Stone-Mediatore, Shari - Mohanty, Chandra Talpade - Butler, Judith - Bastian, Michelle - Moallem, Minoo - Basu, Amrita - McRuer, Robert - Zavirsek, Darja - Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie - Linton, Simi - Lukic, Jasmina - Jakab, Enrico - Kitch, Sally L. - Allen, Judith A. - Friedman, Susan Stanford - Slavova, Kornelia - Gunning, Isabelle - Lanser, Susan - Khan, Shahnaz - Lal, Jayati - Haraway, Donna

Foundations in Gender Studies II : "Difference", and the production of Knowledge. / zost. Rosenfelt, Deborah; aut. Stacey, Judith, aut. Thorne, Barrie, aut. Gordon, Avery F., aut. Braithwaite, Ann, aut. Mohanty, Chandra, aut. Zimmerman, Susan, aut. Hartsock, Nancy, aut. Harding, Sandra, aut. Sandoval, Chela, aut. Collins, Patricia Hill, aut. Friedman, Susan Stanford, aut. Dill, Bonnie Thornton, aut. Enid, Ruth, aut. Scott, Joan, aut. Stone-Mediatore, Shari, aut. Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, aut. Butler, Judith , aut. Bastian, Michelle, aut. Moallem, Minoo, aut. Basu, Amrita, aut. McRuer, Robert, aut. Zavirsek, Darja, aut. Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie, aut. Linton, Simi, aut. Lukic, Jasmina, aut. Jakab, Enrico, aut. Kitch, Sally L., aut. Allen, Judith A., aut. Friedman, Susan Stanford, aut. Slavova, Kornelia, aut. Gunning, Isabelle, aut. Lanser, Susan, aut. Khan, Shahnaz, aut. Lal, Jayati, aut. Haraway, Donna. - Budapest : Central European University Share Company, 2007.

Anotácia:  - "The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology," in American Feminist Thought at Century's End
- Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination
- Introduction, in Troubling Women's Studies: Pasts, Presents and Possibilities
- "Privatized Citizenship, Corporate Academies, and Feminist Projects," in Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing theory, Practicing Solidarity.
- The Institutionalization of Women and Gender Studies in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
- "The Feminist Standpoint: Toward a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism," in Feminist Theory. Reader
- "Reinventing Ourselves as Other: More New Agents of History and Knowledge," in Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?
- "The Theory and Method of Oppositional Consciousness in the Postmodern World," in Methodology of the Oppressed
- "Some Group Matters: Intersectionality, Situated Standpoints, and Black Feminist Thought," in Fighting Words
- "'Beyond' Gender": The New Geography of Identity and the Future of Feminist Criticism,"
- "Critical Thinking about Inequality: An Emerging Lens," in Emerging Intersections: Building Knowledge and Transforming Institutions
- "The Evidence of Experience" in Feminist Approaches to Methodology
- Gender Trouble
- "'Under Western Eyes' Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles," in Feminism without Borders
- Reading across Borders: Storytelling and Knowledges of Resistance
- Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective," in Simians, Cyborgs, and Women
- "Situating Locations: The Politics of Self, Identity, and "Other" in Living and Writing the Text," in Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology
- Reconfiguring the Native Informant: Positionality in the Global Age.
- "Feminist Criticism, 'The Yellow Wallpaper,' and the Politics of Color in America," in Feminist Approaches to Methodology
- "Arrogant Perception, World Travelling, and Multicultural Feminism: The Case of Female Genital Surgeries." Columbia Human Rights Law Review
- "Looking at Western Feminisms through the Double Lens of Eastern Europe and the Third World," in Women and Citizenship in Eastern Europe.
- "(Inter)Disciplinarity and the Question of the Women's Studies Ph.D.," Feminist Studies 24
- "Disciplined by Disciplines? The Need for an Interdisciplinary Research Mission in Women's Studies," Feminist Studies 24
- Interdisciplinarity, Research Policies and Practices: 2 Case Studies from Hungary.
- Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity
- "Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory," in Gendering Disability
- Disabled Women's Everyday Citizenship Rights in East Europe: Examples from Slovenia
- "We Were Never Identified: Feminism, Queer Theory, and a Disabled World," Radical history Review 94
- "Introduction," The Challenge of Local Feminisms: Women's Movements in Global Perspective."
- "Transnationalism, Feminism, and Fundamentalism." in Between Woman and Nation
- "Haraway's Lost Cyborg and the Possibilities of Transversalism," Signs 31,4

English keywords: Critiquing Masculinist Knowledges: The Example of Sociology; Why and Whither Women's Studies: Institutional and Global Contexts for the Production of Knowledge; Feminist Standpoint Theories, Subjugated Knowledges, and Oppositional Consciousness: Experience, Identity, and the Production of Knowledge; Intersectionalities: Complex Identities, Hierarchies of Power and Knowledge; Questioning (and Reclaiming) Women's "Experience" as the Basis for Knowledge Production: Postmodernism and Post-positivist Realism; Situating Knowledge, Situating the Self: "Objectivity, " Reflexivity, and Positionality; Difference and Methodology: Rethinking (White/Western) Feminist Practices in and beyond the Academy; Difference, Theory, and Practice: Feminisms East and West; Interdisciplinarities and the Future(s) of Women's Studies; The Encounters of Interdisciplinary Fields of Inquiry: Feminist Studies/Disability Studies; Transnational Movements, Local and Global Knowledges
Typ: Kniha - monografia Signatúra: 6627 vožná

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