Klasifikácia: 05.2.1
- Bosá, Monika - Filadelfiová, Jarmila - Gyárfášová, Oľga - Minarovič, Milan - Sekulová, Martina - Šušmalová, Sylvia - Velšic, Marián

She and he in Slovakia : Gender and age in the period of Transition. / Edit. Bútorová, Zora; Bosá, Monika, Filadelfiová, Jarmila, Gyárfášová, Oľga, Minarovič, Milan, Sekulová, Martina, Šušmalová, Sylvia, Velšic, Marián. - 1. vydanie - Bratislava : Institute for public affairs, 2008. - 342 s. - (Studies and Opinions)

ISBN 978-80-89345-14-4

Anotácia:  Foreword (Zora Bútorová)
1. Women and men in light of societyďs expectations (Zora Bútorová)
1.1 The Image of "The ideal woman" and "The ideal man"
1.2 Mature women and men as life models
2. Women, men and the increasing diversity of life (Zora Bútoroá, Jarmila Filadelfiová)
2.1 Changes in reproductive and partnership behavioe
2.2 Notions of ideal reproductive and partnership behavior
3. Active aging as a challenge (Zora Bútorová, Jarmila Filadelfiová)
3.1 Population in motion
3.2 Life stages and age in the eyes of women and men
3.3 Employment and retirement
4. Work in the life of women and men (Jarmila Filadelfiová, Zora Bútorová, Marián Velšic, Sylvia Šušmalová)
4.1 Women and men in labor market statistics
4.2 Work in the perception of women and men
5. Gender Equality in public perception (Zora Bútorová)
5.1 Status of women and men in society
5.2 Status of women over 45 on the labor market
6. Women, men and the private sphere (Jarmila Filadelfiová)
6.1 Ideal and actual gender division of domestic labor
6.2 Non-working time of women and men
6.3 Conflict between family and professional obligations
6.4 Material well-being and life satisfaction
7. Women and men in public life and politics (Oľga Gyárfášová, Zora Bútorová, Jarmila Filadefiová)
7.1 Perception of society and politics
7.2 Electoral behavior of women and men
7.3 Civic and political participation
8. Image of women in slovak media (Monika Bosá, Milan Minarovič, Martina Sekulová)
8.1 Searching for stereotypes of femininity and old age
8.2 Heralding a new approach
Conclusion (Zora Bútorová, Jarmila Filadefiová)
About the autors
About the artists of the edition (Zuzana Bartošová)
Kľúčové slová : 05.2.1
Poznámka:  Prezenčne.
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 5267 voľná

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