
Gender Politics and Post-Communism : Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. / Edit. Funk, Nanette; Edit. Mueller, Magda. - New York - London : Routledge, 1993. - 349 s. - (Thinking Gender)

ISBN 0-415-90478-1

Anotácia:  o: Bulharsko - Rumunsko - ČSFR - bývalá Juhoslávia - bývalá NDR - Maďarsko - Poľsko - bývalý ZSSR - SNŠ
autorky aj: Hana Havelková - Jiřina Šiklová - Zuzana Kiczková - Etela Farkašová - Alena Heitlinger
Introduction: Women and Post-Communism
- Bulgaria
1. Thinking Gender: Bulgarian Womenĺs Im/possibilities
2. The Winding Road to Emancipation in Bulgaria
3. The Bulgarian Case: Womenĺs Issues or Feminist Issues?
- Romania
4. Women in Romania
5. Women in Romania: Before and after the Collapse
- Czech and Slovak Republics
6. A Few Prefeminist Thoughts
7. Are Women in Central and Eastern Europe Conservative?
8. The Emancipation of Women: A Concept that Failed
9. The Impact of the Transition form Communism on the Status of Women in the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Former Yugoslavia
10. Women and Nationalism in the Former Yugoslavia
11. Women and the New Democracy in the Former Yugoslavia
12. Womenĺs Time in the Former Yugoslavia
- Former German Democratic Republic
13. Women in the German Democratic Republic and in the New Federal States: Looking Backward and Forward
14. The Womenĺs Question as a Democratic Question: In Search of Civil Society
15. Lesbians and their Emancipation in the Former German Democratic Republic: Past and Future
16. "But the Pictures Stay the Sameůö The Image of Women in the Journal Für Dich Before and After the "Turning Pointö
17. The Organized Womenĺs Movement in the Collapse of the GDR: The Independent Womenĺs Association
18. Abortion and German Unification
- Hungary
19. "Totalitarian Lib": The Legacy of Communism for Hungarian Women
20. Feminism and Hungary
21. No Envy, No Pity
22. Gender Politics in Hungary: Autonomy and Antifeminism
- Poland
23. Abortion and the Foundation of the Public Sphere in Poland
24. Political Change in Poland: Cause, Modifier, or Barrier to Gender Equality?
25. Feminism in the Interstices of Politics and Culture: Poland in Transition
- Former USSR- Commonwealth of Independent States
26. Soviet Women at the Crossroads of Perestroika
27. Finding a Voice: The Emergence of a Womenĺs Movement
Reflections from Outside
28. Eastern European Male Democracies: A Problem of Unequal Equality
29. Feminism East and West
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