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pre vyhľadávací výraz "VY=AISS"

Work Incentives and Labour Market Behaviour in One Parent Families. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security in Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Forssén, Katja; Hakovirta, Mia. 1998
Social Security Under Transition in Central Europe: Income Protection Programmes in Restructuring. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Novak, Mojca. 1998
Safety Net in Southern Europe. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Moreno, Luis. 1998
Jobs versus Income Support: Integrating Soviet Immigrants into the Israeli Job Market. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Habib, Jack; Morginstin, Brenda, Zipkin, Allen. 1998
Social Protection in Israel and Sixteen European Countries: Comparative Analysis of Wage-Replacing Benefits. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Cohen, Rafaela; Shaul, Jaacov. 1998
Do the Old Eat the Young?: Intergenerational Equity and Public Pensions. /2nd International research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Ghilarducci, Teresa. 1998
Contribution Evasion and Social Security: Causes and Remedies. /2nd International Research Conference, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Bailey, Clive; Turner, John. 1998
Targeting in Social Security: The New Zealand Experience. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Mackay, Ross. 1998
From Single Parents to Poor Children: Refocusing South Africa's Transfers to Poor Households with Children. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Kruger, John. 1998
Competition between social security institutions: Effects on reintegration of the partially disabled. /2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, Jerusalem, 25.-28.1.1998/. / Bergsma, Esther; Mullenders, Pé. 1998

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