Záznamy 1..10 z 58
pre vyhľadávací výraz "VY=ISSA"

Protecting Retirement Incomes: Options for Reform 1996
Report XXIV. Special measures provided by social security institutions to permit and facilitate the independent living of disables persons. Report XXV. The relationship between preventive measures and the rehabilitation of disabled persons within the framework of social security institutions 1978
Protecting retirement incomes: options for reform. Studies and Research No.37 1996
The social protection of the frail elderly. Studies and Research No.28 1990
Social security tomorrow: permanence and change. Studies and research No.36 1995
Social Protection and the development of self-employment in non-agricultural occupations. European regional Meeting Paris, France, 4-5 December 1997. /Sociálna ochrana a rozvoj samostatne zárobkovo činných v nepoľnohospodárskych povolaniach. Európska regionálna schôdza, Paríž, Francúzsko, 4.-5. december 1997./. 1998
The Social Security Reform Debate: In Search of a New Consensus. A Summary. /Debata o reforme sociálneho zabezpečenia: V hľadaní nového konsenzu. Sumár./ 1998
Association Internationale de la Sécurité Sociale. International Social Security Association. Asociación Internacional de la Seguridad Social. Internationale Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit. Organisations Membres. Member Organizations. Organizaciones Miembros. Mitgliedsorganisationen. /Medzinárodná asociácia sociálnej ochrany. Členovia organizácie./ 1997
Prevention strategies for the different branches of social security. /European Series No.23 Social Security Documentation/ 1996
Accountability of the partners in social security. /European Series No.24, Social Security Documentation/ 1996

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