Záznamy 1..10 z 18
pre vyhľadávací výraz "PH=04.4.1"

Voda pre tretie tisícročie : Naubližujme vode, aby ona neubližovala nám. / Kravčík, Michal; AUT Tešliar, Jaroslav, AUT Hrinský, Ján, AUT Pajtinková, Jaroslava, AUT Ičo, Tibor, AUT Bachňák, Miroslav, AUT Petráš, Pavel, AUT Lisoňová, Mária, AUT Zvara, Róbert, ... [a i.]. 1. vyd. 2000
Gender 21 : Women's Recommendations to the 2nd Ministerial Conference on Water : An International Networking Project, carried out by IIAV October 1999 - February 2000. / Maharaj, Niala; GRU Everwijn, Maud. 1. vyd. 2000
Jadrový odpad: Problém, ktorého sa nezbavíme. / Lenssen, Nicholas; Prekl. Krivošík, Juraj. 1. vyd. 1996
Twenty years of European Greens 1984 - 2004. / Edit. Cassola, Arnold; Edit. Gahrton, Pet, Edit. Lauwers, Cecile, Edit. Permann, Jeanette, Edit. Verheyen, Ann, ... [a i.]. 1. vyd. 2003
Gender Perspectives for Earth Summit 2002 : Energy, Transport, Information for Decision-Making. / UZC Roehr, Ulrike; UZC Rukato, Hesphina, UZC Hamilton, Kerry, UZC Peters, Deike, UZC Corral, Thais, UZC Ranson, Pamela. 2001
Eines für Alle : Das grüne Wahlprogramm 2005. / aut. Bündis 90/ Die Grünen. 2005
Globalisation with a human face. / Zost. Hustedt, Michaele; Zost. Kuhn, Fritz, Zost. Hoppe, Thilo. 1. vyd. 2005
A memorandum from concerned citizens of the south to EU development ministers
Please help stop the privatisation of life! / Paul, Helena; Schwarz, Zoe.
Citizens witness for the dignity of life and the public good: Stop the EU life patent directive

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