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pre vyhľadávací výraz "VY=UNIFEM"

No Safe Place : An Assessment on Violence against Women in Kosovo. / Wareham, Rachel; Wareham, Rachel, Loxha, Iliriana. 2000
Unifem Annual Report 2002/2003 : "Working for women's empowerment and gender equality". / ed. Braun, Nanette; aut. úv. Heyzer, Noeleen . 1. vyd. 2003
There are no human rights
Women and the New Trade Agenda. / Joekes, Susan; Weston, Ann, GRU Madansky, Cynthia. 1994
Women against Violence : Breaking the silence : Reflecting on Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean. / Edit. Brasileiro, Ana Maria; FOT Roth, Joan. 1997
Women and Employment : The Story Behind The Numbers : In Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS. / Fodor, Eva; AUT Villagómez, Elizabeth, AUT Varbanova, Asya, GRU Ziganshin, Iskander. 2004
Bringing Equality Home : Implementing the Convention on the Elimination All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDAW. / Edit. Landsberg-Lewis, Ilana; FOT McDougall, Fiona, AUV Heyzer, Noeleen.
Picturing a Life Free of Violence: : Media and Communicaitons Strategies to End Violence Against Women. / Drezin, Jenny; GRU Harbold, John, GRU Blackman, Stephanie. 2001
Pathway to Gender Equality : CEDAW, Beijing and the MDGs. / Waldorf, Lee; Inglis, Shelley, GRU Rota, Kathi.
Progress of the World's Women 200/2008 : Who Answers to Women? Gender & Accountability . / Goetz, Anna Marie; Cueva-Beteta, Hanny, Sandler, Joanne, Eddon, Raluca, Doraid, Moez, Bhandarkar, Malika, Anwar, Samina, Dayal, Anjali. 1. vydanie 2008

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