Verfolgung - Vertreibung - Überleben : Frauen in den Weltfluchtbewegungen. / aut. Weber, Daniela; Edit. Behrend, Hanna. 1996 |
Anketa "Ženy o sebe" : Záverečná správa z výskumu. / Filadelfiová, Jarmila; Guráň, Peter. 1997 |
Engendering Forced Migration : Theory and Practice. / Edit. Indra, Doreen. 1. vyd. 1999 |
Immigrants and Refugees in Switzerland : An Outline History. / aut. Vuilleumier, Marc. 1. vyd. 1989 |
Women in Transition: The Role of the Woman in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Post 1989. / James, Kevin. |
Speaking of Abortion : Television and Authority in the Lives of Women. / aut. Press, Andrea L.; aut. Cole, Elizabeth R., Edit. Wolfe, Alan. 1. vyd. 1999 |
The consumer society reader. / Edit. Schor, Juliet B.; Edit. Holt, Douglas B., Friedan, Betty, Baudrillard, Jean, Bordo, Susan, Radway, Janice A., Bourdieu, Pierre, DuCille, Ann, Marx, Karl, McRobbie, Angela, Adorno, Theodor W., ... [a i.]. 1. vyd. 2000 |
An analysis of the social and legal situation of the homeless in contemporary Russia. / aut. Karlinsky, Igor; Prekl. Johndorf, Alise, Prekl. Afonin, Sergey. 1. vyd. 2004 |
Xenophobia and Post-Socialism. / Edit. Pajnic, Mojca; GRU Wölle, Irena. 1. vyd. 2002 |
Persistent Inequalities : Women and World Development. / Edit. Tinker, Irene; AUV Chase, Chevy. 1990 |
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