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The Madonna Connection : Representational Politics, Subcultural Identites, and Cultural Theory. / Edit. Schwichtenberg, Cathy. 1993 |
Motherhood and Representation : The Mother in Popular Culture and Melodrama. / Kaplan, E. Ann; ILU Cassatt, Mary. 1992 |
Fictions of Masculinity : Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities. / Edit. Murphy, Peter F.; GRU Szawiola, Kathleen. 1. vyd. 1994 |
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Das Madonna Phänomen. / Diederichsen, Dietrich; Dormagen, Christel, Penth, Boris, Wörner, Natalia. 1993 |
Demografia a sociálna štatistika : Zamestnanci a priemerné mesačné mzdy za 1.- 3.štvrťrok. / Zost. Olexa, Milan. 1. vyd. 2002 |
Wendo : feministische Selbsbehauptung. / AUV Romanski, Martina. |
Mytologie. / Barthes, Roland; Prekl. Fulka, Jozef, ADO Bílek, Petr A.. 1. vyd. 2004 |
Lady 2004 |
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