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Guaranteeing Freedom of Choice in Matters of Reproduction, Sexuality and Lifestyles in Europe: Trends and Developments : International forum Tallin (Estonia), 27 - 29 November 1997. / aut. Coucil of Europe. 1999 |
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Telo i duša : Násilné sterilizácie a ďaľšie útoky na reprodukčnú slobodu Rómov na Slovensku. / aut. Centrum pre reprodukčné práva a Poradňa pre občianske a ľudksé práva; Prekl. Bartková, Miroslava, Prekl. Melicháčová, Alica, Prekl. Plulíková, Jana, Edit. Bukovská , Barbora, Prekl. Melicháčová, Alica, Prekl. Plulíková, Jana, Edit. Bukovská, Barbora, Prekl. Antalová, Anna. 1. vyd. 2003 |
The Application of Human Rights to Reproductive and Sexual Health : A Compilation of the Work of The European Human Rights System. / Zost. Stanchieri, Julie; Zost. Merali, Isfahan, Zost. Rasmussen, Nell, Zost. Bogecho, Dina, Zost. Cook, Rebeca J., ... [a i.]. 1. vyd. |
Abortion Legislation in Europe : updated february 1997 |
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Milczenie owieczek : Rzecz o aborcji. / Szczuka, Kazimiera. 1. vydanie 2004 |
Proclaiming, Defending and Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights : A review of IPPF European network's achievements 2005 - 2010. / aut. úv. Claeys, Vicky. 1. vyd. 2010 |
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